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𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱 - 𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹

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𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱 - 𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹

The last bell rang signalling that students must be in class, but instead I was held in the tight firm grip of Liam Smith. I would of tried escaping his hold on me, but the more I tried the tighter it got. After last night I had no fight left inside of me. My body ached, my mind felt numb and everything I thought about was dark and depressing. 

It didn't look at all inconspicuous as the two jocks dragged my limp body out of the school. But then no one would care anyway, this is high school and people stick to their own. As the two lead me out of the school I spotted Liam's Black Land Rover waiting for us. My mind turned to worry and everything else seemed to fade out in front of my eyes. How Typical of him though, Fancy car, Captain of the football team and not to mention his rich and living on his own. My body finally gave way as they continued to drag me and my head fell in defeat. 

'why me?.. why now?.. What did I ever do?' I thought as the panic consumed my subconscious. Liam and his friend Jonah were capable of anything and everything. What boy wasn't capable of doing his worst. I may stereo type men in my mind, but how can I not when I grew up with one that beat and abused me. I had that deep gut feeling that Liam wanted me all to himself, what can I say I have that intuition.. that gut feeling that he'd do his worst and his friend would sit back, relax and enjoy. I looked deep within his eyes to see the same darkness I see in my father, Liam was that type of boy that didn't care about the rules. But rather enforced the ones that weren't the rules. My breathing hitched as my heart rate beat faster, that same panic filled me like the day my mother died. I felt I was dying and maybe was, or maybe I will. 

I couldn't even pay attention to my surroundings as I listen to the sarcastic, narcissistic laugh of both boys. A sudden shock of pain ravished my body as someone hit me over the head, and within seconds the world around me went dark. 

'I had no one' that thought rung through my mind as the darkness consumed my thoughts. 

I thought, 'who was gonna save me now'.... To think something like this could happen made me wonder if life was worth living on. I wanted to fight through this, I wanted to live. However, every corner or route I took worse and worse things keep happening.  As I faded into a deep sleep i heard Liam say something...

"You won't be innocent for much longer, Clarke Mackenzie, instead you'll be the schools slut" I could faintly hear his voice and a concerned reply from his friend. 

"Dude come on. What's wrong with you, I thought this was just a joke.." Silence filled the air between them.. but it was broken but the sinister laugh of Liam. 

"What can't a guy have some fun" Jonah seemed weary of his friend but I could tell he also didn't want anything to do with this... Not now. 

"Come on Liam, she hasn't really done anything to us. She's just a loner who does her work and keeps out of people's way." Liam snapped at Jonah leaving the conversation between the two awkward and on edge. In my head I felt sorry for Jonah, but on the other hand I was panicking internally about everything going on in this moment. What would become of me? What was Liam going to do? Yet another name to the list of people that will plague me with nightmares. 

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now