Chapter 15 - Weeks later...

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❤️ Clarke's POV ❤️

It had been weeks since Blake had Found me on the side of the road and basically saved my life, and i was grateful for that but my current mental and physical state weren't the greatest in those weeks of healing. To first begin I got gastric which was terrible, then some of the many wounds Liam and William had gave me got infected and many had scarred, I finally started gaining weight, but however took a turn finally coming to terms of really what happened and I had a major spiral into depression and shock. But the greatest thing was, the whole-time Blake was there no matter what, he'd sometimes disappear and come back a days later, but I strangely understood why, even though I didn't know his whole life story yet, i felt at home with him, even though i hadn't really assessed my real feelings towards him I knew deep down inside that I might have been falling in love with him.

I heard noises in the background, and my eyes started to open, as i laid in Blake's comfy bed i start to think where he was. The last couple of days he'd disappeared and the boy's assured me he was just doing some business, but it felt like more than that. My thoughts where cut short, when i heard the door creak open, I looked up and I saw his beautiful eyes. I turned over to face him, stretching out.

"Dammit, i didn't want to wake you" Blake looked slightly sad, like he just wanted to climb into bed and bring me into his arms, not on my case, I smiled broadly, and pulled a funny face at him, he giggled slightly making his way over to the bed.

"well i was already awake, thinking when a certain guy would come meet me back in bed" Blake sat next to me confused and slightly worried that he might have just walked into me hooking up with someone, which made me laughed hysterically. It's unbelievable how gullible boys are. i sat up, looking at him with amazement "oh my god, you thought I had another boy in your bed" Blake's face turned red like a beetroot.

"Well i wouldn't blame you, you didn't have anyone to cuddle you were all by yourself" i made a weird face at him trying to throw his thoughts off track again and it didn't, like almost instantly. "you did have a boy in my bed didn't you" as soon as Blake said that I heard Jarrod's voice through the door.

"ohhhh sweetie, I'm coming back to bed I brought your favourite" Jarrod's voice got closer and the door swung open, and all I could do is laugh. Amongst the days that Blake hasn't been here or has, I've gotten to know all the crew that basically only includes about ten guys, who kind of look like gods, but any how only four are the close to me and Blake, and that's Jarod of course the cutie nurse which I call him and he gets pissed, then there is Tyson the muscle but his just a big teddy bear who easily gets his feelings hurt, then Marty the tech guy and dam he is brilliant with his work and the funniest in my books, and lastly Theo he is sort of silent but deadly and i now know I can count on him to help me with anything especially pranks on the boys.

Blake turned around and looked at Jarod with a disapproving look, "not Cool man we talked about this she is my girl" that shut my laughs straight up.

"ohm come on man you gotta share her, she is perfect" Jarod looked my way and winked, how unbelievable this guy was supposed to help me play a joke on Blake, then suddenly they both start laughing, i smack Blake on the arm then try throwing a pillow at Jarod's head but it misses since Jarod ducks and throws my favourite chocolate at my face.

"ouch" I bring my hand to my head, like seriously these guys are a bunch of children it always comes back to bite me in the ass. I get up from bed not looking at the two baffled buffoons and lock myself in the bathroom now who rules the jokes, there so going to be saying sorry in the matter of seconds. As soon as the door locked I heard both run towards the door.

"please Clarke I didn't mean to be like that"

"yeah Clarke I'm sorry please come out I didn't mean to throw that chocolate at your head" I got my quite laugh's in and smiled widely. As soon as I finished, I made a straight face and opened the door slowly, looking out I saw both of their faces, they both looked slightly scared of me, but saddened by their thoughts of what they had done.

"Got ya" I broke out with a huge smile, giggling my head off at the two of them, I then was caught off guard by Blake, who swooped me up into his arms.

"you are a little monster you know that" I giggled more trying to escape his grip but I couldn't, I stopped and looked into his eyes.

"I try not to be a little monster" I gave him an innocent smile, and he smiled right back at me, things were finally becoming something for the first time in my life.

Blake Let me down and we made our way back into his bedroom, Jarod somehow disappeared during the whole thing, but it didn't worry me I was kind of glad he was gone, I had Blake all to myself.

"Okay so I had an idea" I waited in anticipation worried of what he was going to say I was kind of excited but scared at the same time. "I was thinking that it might be time that you'd like to go back to school, but not our school another high school what do you recon" this news that came out of Blake's mouth, made me feel excited I could go to a new school and have some friends for once I didn't have to worry about getting home on time or getting nearly beat to death for talking to someone.

"of course, I'd love to go to school especially if it's a new start" I instantly hugged Blake and he hugged me right back, I felt his warmth and smelt his cologne it was addicting and it always made me feel relaxed, it was the scent of old spice and fresh pine.

"And another awesome thing is you finally get to meet all the guy's girlfriends, that if you want to you have Hilary which is Jarod's girlfriend, then you have Luna which is Theo's girlfriends surprising one, then Rina which is Marty's girlfriend and lastly Ruby which is Tyson girlfriend. They are all friends and I think you'd fit right in with them, they aren't your typical queen bee's but they are still popular but in a chill, hot and smart way, if you get my drift" The whole time I  stood in Blake's arms listening, I was getting more and more excited this could be my big break, I could have that life I always dream of now more than ever.

"I'd love to meet them" there was still one thing on my mind though I was thinking of Blake, he was the only other thing that got me ticking, I knew I had feelings for him, very strong feelings in fact and they infuriated me, I was thinking that I am falling in love with guy that I didn't want to ever let him go. However, I felt like he is hiding many secrets and I had no clue to begin with if he really did like me back that way.

We both let each other go and headed back towards the bed, I jumped in snuggling back under the blankets.

"well I'm glad you want to meet them, now onto the next term of business do you want to have an epic adventure in the land of harry potter" I hid under the blanket trying to hide my excitement, but that was shortly ended by Blake ripping the covers away from me.

"Why you even asking of course I do" Blake nodded in approval and made his way over to his TV, ripping out the whole harry potter collection and shoving in the first instalment and my favourite the philosopher's stone, as he did that he kicked off his shoes and made his way back to the bed. I was so caught in thought I didn't even notice the movie started.

"Clarke are okay" I snapped out of it quickly coming back to reality.

"of course, I'm okay, I just wanted to tell you I missed you" No that is not what you were thinking Clarke you love him tell him you love him, ask him straight out if he does and while you're at it ask him what he really does you know he does something h shouldn't so just asked. I try fighting back my thoughts they can get quite aggressive sometimes, what also crossed my mind was he has said before that I might be his love at first sight and that he was falling for me but how can I really know if he meant it, never in my life have I really had someone by like that towards me well not in a long time anyway, I just need to figure life out, figure him out.

Authors Note

Hello, my lovely, lovely readers if you're seeing this then you've been reading my chapters and I thank you a lot because you've hung in with me not updating all the time.

It's all very exciting, Clarke is finally getting back on her feet and she is trying to figure out life, and she knows that she wants Blake in it, however she is going to start investigating into why he disappears and why he is always so secretive. Wait for the tears, the hurt, the pain, the love, the friendship, and finally getting the teenage life that Clarke deserves.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now