Chapter 10 - New beginings

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Blake's POV

As I finally made it home from the drug trade i had to deal with, i rushed out from the drivers seat and went to the other side to retrieve Clarke from the passenger's side. Lifting her out of the car, i shut the door behind me and make it to the front door of the gang house, where all the guys and my sister Emerie lives, of course she is the princess of this castle and the boss whilst I'm gone.

Kicking open the front door, I hurry trying to find one of the guys and the person I'm looking for is Jarod, he may be my best mate but before he got into the gang life he graduated from medical school as a nurse of all things, but never persuaded it in life, he just believed for some unholy reason it would come in handy and now I think it will.

"Jarod where are you" I shout, but not to loud to hurt Clarke's ears. Out of no where Jarod pops around a corner from the kitchen entry way.

"Bro it's to late at night why are you still up" coming into my sight, he doesn't even realise yet I have a girl in my arms dressed in only nickers and a bra with my leather jacket draped around her.

" Dude, I need you... we need you " I looked down at Clarke and back up at Jarod, with pleading eye's. For some reason i didn't want to loose another person,even though i didn't know Clarke very much, i just wanted to protect her. Suddenly his face lights up and he becomes panicked.

"What do you mean, did you get shot again and who's we... ohhhh" taking him seconds later to realise the girl in my arms. " I don't know who she is yet but get her in the kitchen stat" we hurry off into the huge industrial kitchen that we own and I place her softly on the counter waking her up In the process.

" Clarke look at me, now Jarod this lovely bloke won't hurt you, he just wants to take a look at you okay" her scared eyes indicated that she was worried but I reassured her that he wouldn't hurt her, finally she gave in and nodded in response, but I could still tell she was very uncomfortable and nervous to even be in this situation, maybe still in shock from the past events.

Clarke's POV

I was still in after shock really, how in the hell did I end up in the hands of Blake Ryder and why was he being so nice to me, people are never really nice to me especially my own family. I sat patiently on his kitchen bench as his friend known as Jarod ran to grab a first aid kit.

Well buddy your gonna need more then that..

Still feeling the burn of pain, I couldn't take it any longer, I rested my head upon Blake's chest which was surprisingly, comfortable and distracting for myself whilst I waited for Jarod to get back . I felt him tense up all of a sudden when my head hit his chest, but he instantly relaxed and his arms came around my waist and he pulled me in softly, I whimpered in pain a little and tighten my grip onto him.

"Blake I.. I want to thank you, I don't think I could of lived like this any longer" tears overwhelmed me, how is it even possible that I even said that to him I never say things like that to people, I'm usually the person who stays quite.

"Shhh it's okay Clarke, you'll be safe now, I will protect you and you won't have to worry about people such as the father much longer, just forget" he peaks my curiosity when he mentions my father, but I was to distracted by the pain, that I instantly forgot just as fast. In no time it was like seconds passed by, Jarod came rushing back into the kitchen all geared up from gloves on to a huge medical first aid bag, he was more prepared then I thought obviously Blake gets hurt a lot.

" okay okay let's takes a look" Blake let go of my pained body, and Jarod come up to me for an examine, instantly I saw his face go from calm to angry, concerned and upset.

He reached out for my hands and held them. " I want to get one thing straight who the hell did this to you, cause I'm gonna beat there ugly ass up" his voice rose and had both a combination of pain yet anger which I had heard from both Blake and himself now.

Damm these boys are over protective.

" it.... it was a boy from our school... Liam and his friend, uhh uhh i can't remember his name, but i know he likes to burn people with cigarettes" I whispered it slowly and as soon as I said those words they both lost it, pacing back and forth they rambled off to each other but with each passing second I felt more and more dizzy. Out of no where I felt my body go limp and I fell into a deep sleep, but not before I felt the warm embrace of someone and for some reason I really wished it was Blake.

God Clarke what is with all your emotions lately...

Blake's POV

There was no going back, as soon as I heard the name Liam come out of Clarke's mouth I was furious. That spawn from satan, that evil in Carnation, he abused her used her and did other unknown things that I have yet to uncover, I couldn't help but pace back and forth swearing various profanities that Emerie would scold me for.

Looking back up at Clarke for a second, I realise she is about to fall over and pass out again, with my quick reflexes I stop her from falling off the bench and hold her in my arms tight.

"Liam what the hell are we going to do, you know who he is, I'm... I'm going to kill him" I look back up at him and he looked stunned with no words, but this I totally understand, he isn't your typical guy, he is the kind of stay at home mum sort of figure that's why he is my best mate and my carer, because he is typically the most responsible, i make the choices, he helps me and typically all the other guy's fuck up, but when they don't we are unstoppable.

"God help me man, this time I don't know... the only thing I know though is I seriously need to give her a second look over, we both need to clean her up and rap anything that needs to be and think over why on earth Clarke would of been tortured and abused by our enemy Liam from the highlands Gang, cause if it is really true and he was the one i won't be caring anymore, I'm definitely going to make sure he has a slow painful death" as soon as Jarod finish talking, he gestured me to take her to my room which I happily on obliged.

Thinking it over and over and over, all the times I've seen Clarke she always seemed happy, she didn't seem like the girl that would be weak or easily abused, but then again i have guessed wrong before, like the time I saw her in class with fear showing in her crystal blue eyes, it kind of broke me inside.

Jarod and I with Clarke in my arms made it up to my bedroom, and as we entered I made it over to my huge queen sized bed and placed her down softly. Jarod came to my side and started to examine Clarke whilst I stood there quietly holding her hand. With every passing minute I got more and more worried about her current medical outcome, i can't loose her.

"Okay okay,  Blake listen to me okay don't get angry and brake something" I nodded calmly in response waiting for him to tell me what exactly had happened to her. " first of all she has many old scares and bruises which wouldn't of been from Liam, she has two broken ribs on the right side of her body, a broken left wrist, burns to the top half of her body, recent deep cuts and I didn't want this to be true by it has all the signs that she has been raped and more than once" the blood drained out of me and I felt for some reason emotion and physical pain for her, never in my life I thought I'd care for someone so deeply, but now I think I do, even though i don't know Clarke to well, its like the first time i saw her i gained some sort of connection like a bond.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now