Chapter 17 - first days...

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👑 Blake's POV 👑

It was finally time for Clarke and I to go back to school, and i could see the excitement in her eyes, she was happy but then again i could tell deep inside she wasn't in many other ways. As she made a run for the car, i took my time strolling right behind her . It made me smile looking at her, she was healthier then she was when i picked her up from the side of the road, she was healing but not mentally i knew that, but it was my mission inside to make sure she gets through this, she didn't ask me to but i want to, plus my sister basically also beg me to not hurt her, she literally threatened to throw her guitar at me if i did because apparently there now new best friends. I mentally shook my head, as i finally got to my 1960's ford mustang and jumped in the driver's seat, as i sat there i kinda lost track of time.

"Hey Blake, you ready to go" Clarke cut me out of my thoughts putting on the radio. "oh my goodness this is my favourite song."

As i started the car, Clarke was rocking out to How far we've come by Matchbox Twenty, i was as well... but mentally i didn't need her to know this was also my favourite song, she wouldn't let it go then. I laughed unintentionally at myself.

"What so funny Mr tough guy" I shook my head and smiled.

"Nothing Clarke nothing at all" we drove off, finally setting off for the offical last first day of high school.

🌞 Clarke's POV 🌞

Blake and I finally made our way to Randolph high, interesting name mind you but it was absolutely beautiful, similar to my last school but it was more surrounded by nature, some would say it looked like a private school but surprisingly it wasn't, it was a school you think of in a fairytale and man I felt like I was in one.

As we parked I jumped straight out looking around me at all the aspects of our new school.

"I'm guessing your in love with your new school monkey" I nodded excessively getting tickled pink with excitement.

"Okay I'm ready let's go inside" I pulled Blake by his hand and hurried inside, the long corridors of our new school.

As we walked and walked I couldn't stop and think dam why didn't I go to this school before.

"Stop walking so fast Clarke we have to go to the office first and meet up with the guys to get our timetables and I got a huge surprise for you as well" i turned to face Blake and my eyes felt like shooting out of my head.

"Whats the surprise" i kept bugging Blake trying to get it out of him but he didn't budge one little bit. As we arrived at the office all of the boys had gathered there, actually to be honest i couldn't believe they were so early, and another friendly face i saw standing at the front desk was my most favourite teacher Mr Higgins, like what the hell is happening, my mind was about to explode.

"Mr Higgins, what on oath are you doing here" He gave me the biggest smile ever.

"Im here because your friend here Mr Ryder got me a job at one of the best public school in the country and said my favourite student would be attending so I took the job" oh my goodness I was really shocked right now this can't be happening.

"This isn't real oh god your really here" I turned around to Blake and literally jumped into his arms "thank you thank you thank you, Blake this is so amazing"

We all eventually after my excitement outburst, made it out of the office after we gathered our new time tables and headed off to our first classes, of course my first one was Art and it was with Mr Higgins which made me so excited i wanted to cry , because for the first time in ages I'm getting to do something i love and that is art. It lets me show who i really am to everyone, especially Blake, he can understand who i am and maybe ill understand him more.

We got to our first class and of course Blake was with me, he basically had the exact same timetable as me, but i didn't care at least i knew somebody in the class and that was him. We both sat down next to each other and waited for the rest of the student to arrive, whilst waiting though Blake couldn't stop bugging me.

"Blake Stop it" i tried waving his annoying hands away, but he kept trying to tickle me, which didn't go so well. I hit myself straight in the for head and fell off my chair, clap clap to me I'm at a all time new low.

"hahaha, oh my goodness Clarke" Blake kept on laughing that he started to cry tears, whilst little miss me sat on the floor looking up at him annoyed, and i certainly felt annoyed.

"Do you have to be so immature Blake, like really what is wrong with you" i got up cranky and dusted off my pants, boys i swear they love to do things just to annoy girls. i started walking away but he grabbed my arm, which made me slam back into his chest. "Real mature Blake real mature" Blake then looked at me with puppy dog eyes and i automatically forgave him, like how could i not those eyes are just mm..... 

Stop it Clarke you can't think of him like that he is like you saviour. "Nope not having it" i smirked and tugged away from his hold, and sat back down in my seat.

Minutes later the first student came in, and it was a girl she was beautiful, she had long red hair and was tall with fair skin and her eyes they were emerald green, i didn't realise i was staring until she walked up to me and smiled.

"You can say hello if you wanna talk id love to" i shook myself back into reality.

"Im so sorry, sometimes i just stare" i giggled a little from embarrassment.

"It's all good, the name is Izzy... Izzy Goff" she extended her hand and i shook it from my table.

"Nice to meet you Izzy, I'm Clarke, Clarke Mackenzie, and ill introduce you this is Blake" she waved at Blake as she sat down in front of me and turned around to look at as.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm so excited there is some new people at the school, I've been waiting so long, plus i bet you'll love it here, i have to show you all around the school" she smiled so brightly i absolutely loved it.

"The would be awesome Izzy" i smiled back at her just as the bell rang and all the other students came piling in and so did Mr Higgins. Izzy turned around once more though before class started.

"I think you'll have a greta last year and i think will be best of friends, what do you say" i nodded my head in agreement, and class began.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now