Chapter 12 - What's next

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Blake's POV

I looked back and forth between what just taken place between  my best friends and Clarke, she seemed some what happy with them, they made her laugh and thats what mattered, but i still am going to kill them when i see their ugly faces next, no one does that to me, even if there my friends, by then what would life be like if they didn't.

"well I'm glad you like them Clarke, they are living here so you'll have to get used to them" i looked into her eyes and she tilted her head confused, this to me seemed the easiest way to tell her she is not leaving me and that she is staying put, even if she didn't like it.

"so your actually going to make me live here ahh, you the bad boy are going to want to live with me" she giggled poking my chest.

"of course your living here, how else am i supposed to protect you, from those people who hurt you" as i said that Clarke laid her head down on my chest and i looked down at her with some sort of accomplishment, that i actually for once had someone who I could care for and I knew she would care right back for me, and it is surprising that she actually trust me, but how is she going to react when I tell her I'm in one of the most notorious gangs of America, well ill find out eventually.

Hours later...

Many things had happened following those few hours, Jarod had came in and gave Clarke another looking over letting me know she needed a cast, I had finally found her some clothes to wear for the moment bearing so we could go out in public and she had met my sister Emerie, literally both of them clicked like that, my sister even told me and i quote "Thank god you found yourself a girl, i was tired of you looking after me" it made me laugh to think i was to protective towards Emerie but at least i know now that i was.

Time flew by and i was now on the road again with Clarke, she had finally gotten out of bed, even though i would of rather she stay there all together so she could rest, but she said that she didn't want to that she couldn't sit around any longer, that she needed to move and actually live life. All the emotions which consumed my body, did many things to my thoughts, but she's the only one that effects me and that is exactly what she is doing now, she is finally with me next to me safe. I just hope i don't stuff this up with her that i can keep her safe that i won't have to tell her who i really am, i don't want to loose anyone else like i did with my mother and father.

Clarke's POV

It had been a while since i had got up and about with Blake, since he finally let me walk around  by myself, and we were now  both out on the open road, he had agreed since i was injured and had only the clothes i was wearing on that he would take me shopping, i did protest saying i had clothes of my own, but then i would shut myself off immediately thinking about my father and the last couple of days and I knew when Blake would ask why I stopped talking. However I just couldn't bear reliving all the horrid events which had taken place in the last couple of days even years of my life.

Sitting in a awkward silence, we finally made it to the shopping mall. I hoped out slowly hoping Blake wouldn't come and help me but as fast as I opened the door he was by my side, which did make me smile I must say but then again it made me feel weak and useless to myself.

However if I think about it,  I've never been this hurt before and I've never had someone to look out for me, so I might actually have to get used to him caring for me. I just still don't get why,  he would in the first place, I'm just some stupid girl who ran into the sucker and now it's like he might of fallen for me, but it's not like I haven't had atleast one thought of liking him to.

" here past me your hands Clarke" I obliged with Blake and placed my hands in his, lifting me out of the front seat swiftly. " there we go it wasn't that hard, now let's go get you some clothes" I hadn't relished but one of Blake's hands was still embraced in mine as we walked towards the mall and it felt comforting so I didn't let go, well not until he pulled away which hasn't happened yet.

An hour later...

Saying I'm fussy is an understatement, Blake and I had been walking around the mall for ages and each time we'd stop and look at a girly store I'd go bright red and embarrassed, and automatically shut myself off, because A I either didn't like it, B I loved it but didn't want to tell Blake cause you know boys and there things they just can't help themselves, and C we both liked it and I felt as if he was thinking of me in it. It's funny how things can change so easily in an atmosphere, and this especially happened with Blake.

We were both currently inside Victoria secret, since I had gotten bits and pieces of other clothing to do me, even though Blake insisted I  get more I kind of snapped at him and said no. I guess having not much really makes you feel like you should still have the same amount. So there we were I could see Blake in one of the mirrors in the store messing around with the lingerie, whilst I lucked out a couple f matching bras and undies and damm I found the perfect ones, once I had gathered them I looked around for Blake and saw him sleeping on one of the dressing room chairs with a bra hanging off him, you'd think he'd wake up from someone placing a bra on him obviously no.

"BLAKE" I screamed just a little to loudly, and there he goes waking up from his sleep balled falls of the dressing chair to the ground. " ohh shit sorry"

" no it's okay Clarke I shouldn't of fell asleep, I guess all that has happened has just taken it out of me" that there made my heart sting was he really that tired of me already.

To be continued...

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now