Authors Note

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Hello my dear readers,

I'm here to inform you all I'm still in the progress of editing the rest of this book, and have decided that i will continue the story, but in book two which i will be writing through out this year in-between my university work. The second book, will follow the ups and downs of not Blake and Clarke's life, but the life of there grown up daughter Addie Ryder. The book will follow her through the last years of her high school life, you could say that Addie isn't anything like her father or her mother, she's an outcast, but an extremely moody, smart and ominous one. She doesn't dress like a goth, but neither does she dress like a stripper, she changes everyday. the story will follow her ups and downs being apart of a strong and well known family. In this book Addie will go on an adventure of her life, leaving her parents behind..... Addie runs away, feeling as if she is meant to run the gang her father thrives on alongside her mother. Running away as far as the other side of the country Addie will be alone in a big city, and that is the high buzzing place LA, she thought that maybe she could get a fresh start, but will the gang life follow her, will she find a love interest, or just an uptight angry teen guy who likes no one but himself.

Side note - 

This book in particular will be getting edited, and maybe i haven't decided yet, but there might be some surprise chapters in-between old ones to spice up the story.

p.s i love you all and i hope you enjoyed this book, to be honest writing is one of my favourite things to do, and in the last year i really fell into a depression filled anxiety hole which i couldn't get out of. However, slowly I'm trying to focus back on myself, and learn to live my life, and do the things i want to in life. i just hope i can make things like this possible, because to be honest writing is my dream career, and yes i know I'm not the greatest, but i feel as if i work at it, i will become better with time.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now