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Song - The call by Regina Spector

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Song - The call by Regina Spector

𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓇𝓀𝑒𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱 - 𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹

Once I had finished up in the ladies lavatory, I quickly ducked out and made my way back to my locker. Making sure to grab out my art book whilst I was at it, I shut my locker closed and looked down at one of the things I loved the most. My art is an escape, it was the one place were nobody judge me. Art couldn't talk back, but it told a story. 

I turned around making my way to first period. I knew I was way too early, but nobody ever got mad at the kid who was first to class did they. I had time to relax, enjoy and escape the horrible thoughts which loomed inside my mind. I always knew Mr Higgins left his door open, in his words people of all kinds were welcome to the art.. to express themselves. I opened the door quietly to see he hadn't made it there yet. For once I sat down in the classroom surrounded by silence and peace. I picked out one of my charcoal pencils and drew away to my numbs thoughts inside. The more I drew, the more I felt like I didn't know what I was drawing.. and then I was finished I looked over it to see it was Blake, he seemed angry, determined, ruthless.. somewhat emotionless on the outside. However, I could tell on the inside he was caring, loving and soft.. well that's what I imagined though. To be honest with you, I didn't know what made me draw him. Yes I knew if he saw this he might rip it out of my hands and say something nasty or draining but I didn't care. I felt like deep down inside, maybe he might like it. Maybe this is a side that he has and nobody knows yet. 

'What was I thinking this is not even close to Blake', I slammed the book shut, and jumped in fright by the sudden movement from the door of the classroom. I looked up to see Mr Higgins walk in with a skip in his step and a coffee in hand. I think both of us gave each other a scare as Mr Higgins stumbled back a little with an awkward smile plastered in his face. Mr Higgins laughed though for the both of us as he set down his coffee and satchel to greet me. 

"Now why do I have a young Miss Clarke in my class room 20 minutes early" Mr Higgins walks up to me and sits in one of the chairs close by. I sighed leaning on my hand as I looked at the teacher. 

"hehe no reason sir, I just wanted to work on the assignment maybe get some rough copies of who I think Blake Ryder is" I opened my book back up to glance down at the piece I was working on. It felt like a glimpse of the truth could be seen in this picture but who knows with that boy. Just maybe drawing from the heart could help me determine who Blake really is... not that i wanted to know, it's just in this world something to hold onto, is more than nothing.

"well I like your initiative Clarke, come in anytime... oh and by the way never give up hope kiddo.... look up on times like these" I knew by Mr Higgins tone that he was trying to make me feel hope on my situation but how could I. He always shocked me in how he tried to make things better, but my father could get away with murder if anyone cared. But he didn't know what I was really going through, what those boys did to me, and maybe no one ever would. 

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now