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song - War of Hearts by Ruelle

Warning: Contains violence, sexual content and thoughts of suicide. Please read at own risk.

Clarke's POV - Unedited

All I felt was trapped, not only was I in Liam's basement but it was dark and gloomy with roaming bugs that seemed to crawl all over me. Which I hated bugs, every time one crawled over me or even touched me I jumped in fear only to realised I was chained down. To add to all of the worry I was scared of the dark, something that I had been since I was young, and with my father being who he is made everything ten times worse. Then there was Liam, the one person I'd been captured by, thought after thought ran through my mind as I began to wonder what he was going to do to me. 

'How could I be so stupid...' I internally screamed to myself as I held onto my legs. The ever whelming way of life itself was enough, but being stuck here knowing I might die because of getting my mother killed I felt s stupid, I blamed myself everyday but wasn't the torture of feeling this way enough. Inside I die a little every moment just thinking about it, I thought maybe it would make everything easier if I give up because who would come for me. I was no one to anyone and all I could feel was this empty part of me screaming out to be done with everything. 

"Oh princess, cat got your tongue. What no screaming for help, begging for me to stop...Not giving up are you.. you know I love the fight" Liam waltzed over to the bed and I looked up from the floor catching his stare. If you looked into my eyes you'd probably see the emptiness I felt inside, the misery dripping from me. I stayed oddly quiet as I stared at Liam not knowing what he was going to do next. I wanted to figure out his next move, confuse him maybe give myself some chance. But he just stood there, I felt this uneasy feeling rising inside of me as Liam look down at me with a smile. 

"Well, are you going to do anything" I said just above a whisper. I held onto myself tighter knowing something bad was coming. 

"Well finally you speak princess. I got you didn't I, the way you looked at me in hopes I left you alone. Honestly it was priceless, but fear not my darling.. I will give you everything and more" I felt myself swallow hard as I crawled away from Liam. But his hand clamped onto my ankle pulling me towards him as he slapped me hard across the face, then I received a blow to the stomach and then the face. I cradled my body trying to protect myself as much as I could but it didn't seem to work as he hurt me over and over. Eventually he pulled me up from the bed and slammed my body roughly against the wall as he held onto me. 

"ahhhhhhhh" I screamed out in pain. "No no more please" I whimpered through my quivering lips, but he completely ignored me as he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me along the floor to another room in his basement.

 As I looked around it consisted of a bed with chains and various weapons laying around the room, throwing me onto the bed I crawled up further trying to get away. He however got his hands on some type of item and whacked me over the head. Darkness surrounded me and I felt myself slowly fading away.


Hours later...

My eye lids started to flatter open and even though my surroundings are blurry, I knew I still remained in the room I passed  out in. But now I was chained up tightly, against the bed framed of another bed. As I looked at my wrists and ankles I noticed the beginning of red rings around both yet another thing that would bruise on my delicate body. But I couldn't complain could I, I've had much worse things done to me. 

The door clicked open and I looked up to see who it is, and with no surprise  Liam stepped in with a sinister smiled plaster over his face and a friend to match. That same uneasy feeling returned and I knew it was going to end badly. 

"Oh my goodness you're awake Clarke" Liam threw his hands the air in joy as he and his firmed entered shutting the door. "Look I brought a friend, I hope you don't mind he like to play with girls as well as me.. His name is William Boyer" I looked at both of them in disgust. How in hell does this boy get away with this, for all I know I'm not the only girl he has trapped down here. One minute I petrified of him, another I want to kill him and the next I want to humiliate him like there's no tomorrow. 

 'You seriously got to go get yourself checked Clarke' my inner voice told me and she was dam right. I sat there silent and afraid of what was going to happen. I didn't want to give Liam that satisfaction though. 

"Fine don't say anything Clarke, maybe just lay back and enjoy this" The both chuckled at what Liam had said.

Taking their time the both of them disappeared and reappeared with a few mystery items in their hands. However, I couldn't really tell by the dark gloominess of the room as to what there were. William, Liam's friend came walking towards me with that same sinister smile on his face. As he climbed up onto the bed he made his way over to me and climbed into of my fragile frame. I tried wriggling from underneath him but nothing seemed to work. 

 "Just relax Clarke" Liam said from behind William, I looked back up at the red haired boy which I didn't know and all of a sudden he pulled out a belt and stuck it between my teeth I tried to resist the belt but he shoved it even further into my mouth. "Don't fight it" this time Liam said it more sternly and I stopped. William then grabbed out cigarette and lit it taking in some puffs of smoke, I started to shake my head because I knew exactly what he was going to do. Lowering the cigarette right down onto my exposed collar bone I screeched in pain, trying not to do it to loud otherwise it will be more severe. William continued with this for he next hour slowly but surely burning my body with his cigarette over and over again. I wanted to shout out for him to stop, but I knew doing that would make things so much more worst. 

"Okay enough is enough William I know you like cigarettes and burning people but what about the real fun" William giggled in response, dam that boy is fucked up. 

Liam pushed William away from me and grabbed a pair of scissors, I tried to move again but William reached down and kept me still cutting into my clothes. Liam leaves me in nothing but my undies and socks. I felt no dignity, in every possible way this was inhumane, drifting in and out of thought I waited for their next move. I then realised both of them stood in front of me naked, they came stalking towards and as violently as my dad had throwing me down the stairs Liam rammed himself inside of me and William had forced his way into my mouth, both causing me more pain and worthlessness inside and out.

In that moment I knew was was coming next. The way William crest my body as Liam watched, I didn't want to look but William had a thing for eye contact. Seeing how the tears rolled down my cheeks made everything so much more fun for him and so it began the endless amount of sexual contact, torture and beatings. It seemed to go in a cycle, over and over again and  I didn't want to be here anymore. After hours of torture I laid there in pain as I withered away in a pool of my own sweat and bloody. I drifted in and out of sleep not wanting to, but the pain became so unbearable that all I could do was sleep to forget it happened. 


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