Chapter Twenty Five - Life is nothing but an endless cycle

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Clarke's POV

Life officially was hell, id say my life before this with my father was bad, but this was worse. From what i could tell it had been at least been two weeks already in the hands of Liam's Gang. Id experience many types of torture, sex and just plain whipping. These men seemed to see blood, and by doing this it had basically broken me, i just feel this numbness now, all i want is to be in Blake's arms happy and living with his gang as my new family, but I'm not, i did this to protect them which i hoped worked. However, who knows wiht Liam, he is the most unpredictable guy on the planet, since he took me yet again I've only seen him a handful of times, but every time i did see him, he made sure  didn't forget his visit.

I was currently hanging tied up from the ceiling, id been in the position for the last day, and my wrists were in pure agony, id occasionally scream out in pain when i knew nobody was around, but besides that i tried to stay quite so no one would come in and pay me an extra special visit. Just when i thought id get a moment alone, Liam and his bestie William burst through the door together.

"You fucking bitch, did you tell Blake what you were doing when you handed yourself over to me, did he know you'd do this" Liam walked up to me and slapped me straight across the face. I was quite to reply.

"No i swear, i left when he was asleep i didn't tell him anything" i gulped fear, maybe Liam would end me. Ive seen men get this thing, where they are outrage and they act before thinking, and Liam was definitely the type to do that. With another punch to the Stomach, Liam went over to sit on the bed i had been locked up the weeks before.

"Goddamit, its like he knows my every fucking move... ever since i took you he has had the upper hand, making sure my drug deals don't go through or my guys get knocked out when they do the underground jobs... he is always there.. its.. its like he is trying to find exactly where you are" Liam huffed and puffed with anger, and i tried to stay as quite as possible. The out of know were, a knife end up on my throat.

"Liam i don't think she is telling us everything" the knife cuts deeper into my neck cutting it ever so slightly.

"No please.. i swear i didn't tell him anything.. the story is i told him i loved him, he fell asleep i got up dressed and snuck out of the house" i froze here staring at Liam to make his next move. He walked up to me and brought his face close to mine.

"You better be right, ohh and you should pray right now because if he doesn't find you in the next twelve hours you'll probably bleed out. I didn't know what Liam was getting at. but he snatched the knife out of Williams hand, and stabbed it right into the my side. i screamed out in pain, but then William stuffed my mouth with a ball of cloth, which nearly chocked me to death but hey i probably am going to die anyway.

I hang there by myself, since both of them left about twenty minutes ago, and i feel the hot blood dribble down my body, and the siring burning inside of me, tears brim from my eyes, as i pray inside my head that Blake finds me... I just hope he does, i can't handle hanging here knowing i am going to die if i don't get saved, cause i honestly think i want to spend the rest of my life with him. Im hopeless i know, i get these thoughts in my head that I'm going to save people, but i just end up killing myself little by little.

Blakes POV

This can't be fucking happening.. I shake my head trying to get all the horrible thoughts out of my head. For the last couple of weeks Clarke has been missing, and as soon as she disappeared i had a gut feeling of what she had done, i shouldn't have told her about her father, i should of just left it go. But no, of all people I'm always the one to open my big fat fucking mouth. i head my head, trying to get rid of all my thoughts and i keep hitting myself, until i feel a small hand stop me.

"blaky poo please stop"  i look up to see my sister with tears in her eyes, i myself shed a tear, and pick her up placing her in my lap giving her a big cuddle. 

"Im sorry sissy, i just" i give her a tighter hug, and begin to cry into her shoulder.

"Its okay bro, I'm just so sad to see you sad, Clarke is the best thing that happened to this whole family, everybody loves her and i know you love her the most, i could defiantly see you to being married and having heaps of kiddies like me" she pulled away from me and pointed at herself in happiness. I removed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Yeah bub i think so to, id love to spend the rest of my life with her, but we have to find her" i smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Well then get off your ass and go find ya girl" she jumped off my lap and points to leave. i put my hand up in defence, knowing she gonna go into full on gang leader mode like i sometimes do, and then i looked behind her snd see all of the guys laughing there asses off the cuteness that we are seeing. i kneel down to her and kiss her on the forehead.

"Okay im gonna go get my girl okay" she tackled me into another hug then ran away, it was so cute, she is also one of the other reasons I'm still alive.

"Okay boys we've got to get her back you ready" they all agreed and marty come out from the basement. 

"Hey boss i think we have a hit on her location..."  these words gave me some hope, some real hope for the future.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now