Chapter 18 - New Friends Arise

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Clarke's POV

First period had already been and gone, and i was very disappointed, not in the class but that it was over, one of my favourite things to do is discuss art and look at it everyday, but that time is now over. Hell i even made a new friend which makes me happy all over again, but i don't know if ill see her anytime soon, who knows what classes she's in or if shell even think about sitting wiht me at lunch, but atlas i knew i had the boys with me.

As i got up to leave with Blake Izzy stopped me.

"Hey Clarke wait, i got something for you" Izzy wrote down her number and handed it to me.

"Oh my goodness thanks Izzy, ill defiantly text you" She smiled kindly and left without any other word, she seemed simply, yet a unique person who loved the enjoyment of others and that made me like her even more. 

as we finally got out of class Blake spoke up.

"Whats got you smiling" Blake nudged me and smirked and so i did back.

"Nothing much, its just i never thought id be remotely happy again, and you sir made it all possible. I took ahold of Blake's arm and rested my head against it as we walked, its strange to think we are nothing more then just friends, which hurts me even more cause there are days there when i just think of Blake. I told myself that i wouldn't fall for him, but as he stayed by my side and didn't let me be alone. he made me feel much better, then i have in a long long time, and thats a lot to say.

"Well I'm glad your happy, now whats next" i let go of Blake and pulled out my timetable.

"Well the next two classes are... hmmm ohh yes found it advanced creative writing and what the..." i looked out the class after the and it highly confused me what the heck is Gaelic. 

"What princess" as son as blake called me princess i looked up at him with a dead pan face.

"really princess.."

"Yes princess deal with or ill start calling you nerd just for fun" okay now that wasn't call we talked about the nerd calling.

"Arrogant bad boy" i mumbled under my breathe

"what what did you say" Blake laughed at me, but all i could do was roll my eyes, boy's what can you do. "any way what was it that got you so confused" i pointed the word out on the timetable and i could tell Blake knew straight away what it was. "Yep i know what that is, it's a language primarily used in Scotland, damm i didn't know this school was that fancy"

We finally made it to our next class and it was like a breeze, i was having so much fun also writing, but every time i looked over to see if Blake was okay, it looked like it had writers block, so i decided to poked him.




he finally looked up at me, coming back to reality and smiled shyly.

"if you really wanted my attention princess you could of just" he wiggled his eyes in ahh, which indeed made me roll my eye's yet again.

"You really need something else to think about... boys boys boys" i sort of trailed off from what i as talking about, but as i looked back as Blake i notice he had finally gathered what he was going to write about, which indeed made me a happy.

Finally both classes had past, and man can i tell you starting to learn a new language is hard but hell it's fun. 

So after we had finished in the classroom, we exited together and started walking towards the cafeteria, yeah what fond memories i have from places like that. We got there just in time thought to meet up with the boys and enter where everyone was eating, but strange thing was as soon ass we opened the door, i saw that people all around went sort of dead silent and started to whisper to each other, and it was strange, which made media behind Blake but he didn't care, and then a loud sound came.

boom, crash "Ouch Hilary, why just why stop pinching me I'm awake" i heard a girl yell at who i assumed to be Jarods girlfriend hillary and saw them clearly, it was four girls sitting at a table in the middle of the cafeteria and as we walked up the boys quickly made it to there girlfriends sides typical i tell you very typical. However, this gave me an idea of who was who, the girl who was shouting was Theo's girlfriend Luna, which didn't surprise me since they both have the same temperament, the one who is upset for being shouted out was Hilary big softy like jarod can get, then i saw a really tall girl who had fair brown skin and bright blue eyes damm she was sexy which by the looks seemed to be Marty's girlfriend Rina and damm again, i noticed a big height difference he was way smaller than her and Ruby Tyson's girlfriend she seemed quite but she looked up from cuddling her boyfriend and smiled widely at me.

I think this is gonna be a good year, but then i heard shouting.

"Im here I'm here sorry I'm late" i heard a familiar voice echo from behind us and as we all turned around i saw Izzy. Her eye's than went crazy and she ran towards me. "no way, no way, no way your friends are my girlfriends boyfriends" She giggled and laughed at the same time, this girl could be the death of me, but it could be a good death, this officially completed the gang i believe, for once i think i belonged i had friends, and i certainly didn't care if people classified them as weird, popular, crazy, bad boys, they were all mine and no one could take that away from me now.

I sat down at the table and so did everyone else, and we all carried on, chatting, catching up and getting to know one another, and as i stopped for a spilt second i looked up at Blake and he looked back down at me, and thats when i finally knew in my heart of how i felt about him.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now