Chapter twenty Three - Ohh shit i think I'm gonna die

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Clarke's POV

So much had happened in the last couple of months, well in the last couple of years if I'm being truthful. 

I couldn't believe myself if i tried, i was standing in front of my house, my heart was racing, fear was rising and i felt like i was gonna die. But if it was for a good reason, who wouldn't sacrifice themselves for the people they truly felt like they were in love with. I didn't know Blake to much, but i knew i felt safe with him, i look back at the memories eating dinner, just laughing, playing his sister, hanging out with his gang. They treated me like a true family, not like how my dad did. But danger was coming, whether i liked it not, i had to do something, i couldn't let anyone of them fall into danger, even though they are the most powerful gang. My father was more skilful and sneaky then you could ever think. He defiantly did his damage to me, so i wouldn't be surprised if he tried to hurt someone like Blake sister or even Blake himself. 

I walked up the steps of my house, and look at all the run down features, a tear slipped from my eye. It was all once great but now it is all gone. I knocked on the door, and in the distance i heard the grumble of my father stumbling to the door. It swung open, and as soon as my father saw me his face turned into an evil grin.

"So i see you took the warning like always... you little whore, i can't believe you'd protect someone like him" he suddenly grabbed me by the hair and dragged me inside. The burn once again radiated through my scalp and my head was on fire. This time though i fought against him, i was able to get loose from his grip, and to my surprise and his we stood there starring at each other.

"I will not have you pull me around like I'm nothing, because i am something, to someone anyway" more tears rolled down my cheek as i continued to talk "You don't get to call me a whore, because I've never willing slept with anyone, you don't get to tell me its all my fault, because its not, i never killed mum, she got killed by another driver, and you certainly cannot blame me for your actions because its your own fault going down this road, you could of stayed that caring supportive but sad dad with me, your the one that decided to start drinking and doing drugs... do you know how sick i was... i was in so much pain... so much pain a normal teenage girl shouldn't be in" as i stopped my rant, i looked up at my father and his eyes glistened with sadness, which i had never seen before, which is something isn't it. 

My father then stumbled back and landed on the couch, holding his head in his hands.

"What have i done, what have i done what have i done" i saw my father rocking himself back and forth, as he sat on the living room couch. Man obviously something in that speech got to him. i then heard the clapping of somebody behind me. As i turned around i came face to face, with the one and only Liam smith and his nasty little friend william Boyd. 

Fuck me, I'm defiantly dead ... i stood there thinking as i watch the smirks of the two gang members who raped and tortured me. I back up slowly into the living room, and look over to my father his was currently crying and as he heard my footsteps his head shot up to meet mine. He mouth sorry to me, but i couldn't process completely what was going on. I looked back over, and stare at Liam and William.

"Sorry princess, couldn't have you at the house when we were going to attack did we" he chuckled evilly, and my body started to shut down. my breathing hitched, and my heart started to race.

"Please, i beg of you, if there is anything i can do for you to not do this, innocent people live there Liam" Liam persona softened a little, but it went straight back to evil if yo u ask me. My body shivered in fear, because i never knew what these people were capable of, well i knew what Blake was capable of but not these guys, they could do anything they like to me.

"Well if it isn't a begger, look William we have someone asking for us to surrender for anything you say" Liam said as he circled my body, i stood frozen not wanting to make him any more made then he already was. i nodded slowly on response, hoping this would satisfy him, but of course it didn't. he grabbed me by the hair then demanded" say yes you little whore"

"Yes Liam, ill do anything" tears were beginning to spill once again, but as soon as he grabbed me he let go knocking me to the floor. Both of the boys chuckled, whilst my father sat there quietly on the couch not saying a word to stop them.

"Well then, i think for us not to attack your sweet and not so innocent boy toy then you'll have to become my personal and of course the gangs sex slave... what do you think" i lowered my head as a coward and gave in.

"I will do it... but... but only if you don't hurt any of them" Liam comes down to my level and whispers in my ear.

"I can't guarantee anything... Princess" sudden fear  goes through me.

"But.... but please Liam" he ignored my pleas and called over William, who aggressively yanked me by the arm and dragged me out of the house. I tried my hardest to get free from his gripped but William was to strong for me, stronger then my dad is defiantly. i resisted as hard as i could, but with a simple push William got my into Liam, and his car. 

As i laid quietly on the back seat, i thought about what possible could happen to me.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now