Chapter 21 - The voices seem worried

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Clarke's POV

After it all went black, i could hear all of there worried voices, not just Blake but Jarod, Marty, Theo and even Tyson. I could hear them biker, with worry and sadness, but especially Blake... i could hear his voice and it all seemed to fade out but except him, i knew he was worried by his tone of voice and up until now i didn't really notice how he truely spoke about me, i listened to all of the sweet things he was saying about me to the boys and i could tell he was crying yet again... i thought he didn't care but when he started to cry and tell me everything about him it made me cry and realise he really did care. The bad boy care... not change that the the bad boy gang leader cared... and that scared for me a second that he was apart of a gang, but then i came to a realisation that he hasn't hurt me, but cared for me this entire time, with love, with compassion, and even kindness unlike my father.

Hour passed..

I could hear all of them talk amongst each other, but i couldn't open my eyes i felt so weak and helpless that i tried and tried but i just couldn't.

A couple of days later..

Now this is just getting ridiculous.. I've been laying here the entire time, listening to them here and there, gossiping with each other, casually talking, Blake talking to me by himself. You name it I've heard it, and even some of there plans not just for there gang but i thought i heard something about my fathers gang in the mix, but i might be confusing myself since I've been not able to open my eyes for the last couple of days, but hey I'm a girl who is hearing everything there saying how can i not try and get all of the details.

It had been a few more days which if i could tell right its been about a week and i still haven't woken up and then i here Blake voice, and feel his touch on my hand.

"Clarke... please wake up, i can't live without you. For a moment when i said those horrible things to you, i thought i meant it because i wanted to, not just for your safety but for you not to get hurt by me" i heard him sigh and kiss my hand lightly. "Its just the first day i saw you, i sort of got captured by your beauty, you weren't like the others, you didn't bother talking to people but you also were very clumsy, which you made up for it in your talent and it all made me more interested in you... and that day i saw your eyes crack with sadness when i let that ass hat take you broke me inside, because when you told me from this day I've wanted so much to stop and change that day from happening... maybe i could of got to you sooner, if i wasn't thinking about myself, but... but for the first time I've actually felt something more then friendship and it was because of you.. I've always been that bad boy people label at schools and are scared of and think ill fuck them at any chance, but I'm not... to be honest i haven't even done it with a girl" Blake was silent for a few seconds, which i guessed he was thinking so i took this as my chance to give it al i got.

I did it after a minute of trying and trying and trying for days, i did it i... i squeeze his hand, as hard as i could and i knew he felt it.

"Clarke are you... are you awake can you hear me" i squeezed his hand to reassure him, and slowly but surely i opened my eyes to be met face to face with the one and only Blake Ryder, his eyes there where bright blue just like crystals or the shimmer clear water lets off and it melted my heart. I lifted my hand up to his face and touched his cheek.

"I can hear you Blake.." his face sort of went bright pink.

"What do you mean you can hear me, like as in right now or as in u heard everything i said" i giggled a little looking at him.

" i heard everything" Blake Automatically face palmed and dropped his face to the bed, which i noticed was his own not the one he said i could say in but his. I rubbed his hair trying to get his attention but all i could hear from him was small swears.

"Stupid.. stupid I'm so stupid" i giggled even more at him being so embarrassed.

"Its okay would it make you feel any better if i told you that i hadn't had sex yet either, well not intentionally" He looked back up up me and shut up completely.

"Just a little" he said as he pouted.

"Stop pouting your face will stay like that" he started smiling again.

"Okay princess" i started glaring at him, as he acted like he didn't just say that and climbed into bed sitting next to me.

"Why princess" i looked at him and he wasn't looking at me but he was smirking.

"Just because..." silence filled the air and he looked back down at me laying in the bed.

"I said things you heard them... i don't want to hurt you and you now know that, but i don't want you to get hurt by the people i work with are you willing to know that could happen" He said as he turned around to face me. I lifted me hand and touched his cheek once again.

"I can live with that, but do you truely want to be with me, do you truely care" a couple of tears escaped my eyes.

"Of course" he then got out of the bed and looked down at me. "Il prove it... CLARKE WILL YOU BE MY LOVE, MY GIRLFRIEND AND MY ONE AND ONLY" he shouted it so loud i covered my ears laughing a little in the process. i nodded quite quickly and i could see the bright smile on his face expand, the one id only hoped to see everyday but who knows how lucky I'll be.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now