Book Two - Chapter One - Running Away

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note - not my greatest work so far but i hope you enjoy it...

Addie's POV

Tick tick tick tick...

The sound of the clock in my bedroom ticked away, and all i could do is stay frozen in a state of anxiety and worry. I wondered what was going to happen this year, what the last year of my high school life could offer me. My mother once said, 'you never know what is going to happen until you live it,' but i want to know, i don't want to go head first into the last year of my high school career and come out the other end like my mother and father did. First of all my mother nearly got killed, and so did my father. I just want to spend a year of my life, without any worries, especially those of the gang life. Both my mother and father nag me constantly, trying to show what my life could be like if i just trained under my father's wing of the gang life. However i don't just want that, i want to live a normal life, not one were your well knowing to the most dangerous people of the world, but known as a simple teenage girl, with occasional anger problems.

I huffed in annoyance as i laid back in my bed thinking about what i could do to make this happen, its not like i want to leave my parents behind, but the more i think about it the more i just want to go it alone and get to know what it feels like to be normal. I slowly got up from my bed and sat sitting on the edge of it as an idea popped into my mind.

'What about running away' ... I thought to myself, "That could work but where Addie where, what is the one place dad hates and will never step foot in" i thought long and hard about places my father had bad alliances with and people he didn't want to be caught by, and then it hit me. The one place were it is buzzing with up and coming people, good for fresh starts, and easy to find jobs is LA, 'of course why didn't i think of it'.

I jumped up off the bed with great realisation, why don't i just do it, whats the worse that could happen. I walked over to my desk and picked up my phone, hitting speed dial on my best friends number harry Walsh, well he wasn't exactly my best friend only when he wasn't around his jock friends, but i trusted him and he trusted me.

The phone rung once and i heard Harry pick up and mumble on the other end.

"Why are you calling me at 3am in the morning Addie, its called common.... you know its just nice not to wake people up" i could tell Harry was tired but i seriously needed to tell him, maybe he'd tell me to do it, he can be quite persuasive.

"Well i need to run something by you, now listen... and no interruptions like the call about you know who"

"Ahhhhhhh okay" i could tell Harry was frowning but i needed him to listen

"Okay so i thought you know i don't want this life, and you do more.... so i was thinking about running away thoughts?" i waited for Harry's response, it took him a few moments but he finally replied.

"Why not, id go for it... if your really animate about starting fresh why don't you try it, you can always come home if it doesn't work, you know I'm here for you cheeky pants" now it was me moaning in annoyance.

"Really with the nicknames again" he definitely knew if he was here id be staring holes through his head.

"Always A always" i smile at his response.

"Well then you didn't hear from me, but I'm leaving right now, no time is better then the present... don't tell my parents okay, ill tell you where i am when i get back there"

"Your secret is safe with me, now go run the world A" I hung up the phone and put it back down, deciding to start packing my duffle bag, i put in my entire closet which wasn't much, but enough for me to feel different with every mood I have, and I also packed most of my shoes and some important valuable items. I also grabbed my passport incased i needed it out of the safe, some extra cash incase my dad decides to freeze my account and also a weapon... but you know what comes with the gang life, there is always a little bit of danger.

I picked everything up including my duffle bag and a backpack i take everywhere, i also make sure i grab my phone and pick up my keys from the desk to my 1969 matte black Chevrolet Camero SS. i stopped for a moment to think if this is right, but i push the thoughts back.

"Come on Addie, you need to harden up, how can you find out what your meant for if you let yourself rot like this... you can do this" after giving myself an inspiring speech, i hurried off out of the house into the car garage without making anyone suspicious, got into my car and took off speeding away. However before pulling out i catch the eye of my mother, she waved at me and i did back... she has no idea, how could i do this, but how could i stay in a life I'm not sure i want to be apart of. As soon as i left that driveway, my heart skipped a beat with regret, but i needed to do something, so thats why i did.

I sped off down the highway next to my house, man am i in for an adventure, one that may be or may not be pretty. I turned the knob to my radio on and the new hit single by Ariana grande turned on, Thankyou next... to be honest I don't see the hipe about it, but many do. I changed the channel again and a song which fit this moment perfectly turned on, and that was sweet but psycho, i blasted it throughout the car and sung along with the lyrics.

 I changed the channel again and a song which fit this moment perfectly turned on, and that was sweet but psycho, i blasted it throughout the car and sung along with the lyrics

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