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Song - In the House - In a Heart beat

'How did I get myself into this situation?' I asked myself over and over again

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'How did I get myself into this situation?' I asked myself over and over again.

 I couldn't help but think about how I ended up here and why I did. What did I do to deserve such a terrible life. The pain inside my heart gets harder and harder to handle with every passing day. 

I looked cautiously back and forth between my drunk of a father, and Liam smith the boy who only just raped me leaving me with no worth. 

 'Why was I in this world? Did anyone care for me? Was I worth being here?' Well definitely not to these to people surrounding me, I was nothing to them and a measly look can confirm my worth in this world... especially from the people I thought cared for me. A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I tried not to make eye contact with them. 

"What are you afraid of Clarke, have you finally realised all you've done in this miserable world... that every moment your alive people blame you more and more for the things you've done" the venomous words of my father came spitting out of his mouth, and with every step he took closer to my body the faster my heart became. "Please get rid of her my boy... I don't want to see the worthless girl again. Do whatever you want to her. But make sure she feels everything" I tried looking into my fathers eyes to see if there was even a hint of emotion left inside of his soul, but there was no sign of return, a single tear rolled down my cheek in defeat as I looked away from my once loving father. Then as sudden as it all happened, I was ripped from the cold floor by Liam.

"My pleasure Mr Mackenzie, and by the way nice doing business with you my father is happy now that he is still on good bases with his best drug dealer" My mouth dropped open, what does Liam mean by drug dealer and just as I thought about it Liam answered my question. "oh little girl your father is a gang drug dealer don't be so surprised, your father needs some sort of pay to buy all the drinks and drugs that he uses every day of his life with you" at that point in time my brain just snapped, it wasn't my fault how am I to blame for somebody else's actions. I started to panic as I imagined just what Liam could do to me. I looked around for some type of escape but I knew it wasn't going to happen I was surrounded by man who wanted my pain and misery. 

"You asshole..." it was now my turn to turn venomous towards my father. "Why are you ruining my life, I never did anything to you" I squirmed in Liam's grip, but he was to strong as I was now ridden with pure anger over my father's choices and how he could let Liam do such things to me, but then again, he is my drunken father.... and once a drunk always a drunk.

"You know what my boy don't bring her back... dispose of the body after you've finished with her or just keep her for pleasure. I don't want anything to do with this slut again" with every word that left my father's mouth a pinching pain in my heart struck me down. I didn't know how to feel anymore, I felt numb as if there was officially nothing left to feel, besides the actually pain which riddled my body I still cared for my father, but it was offical that he didn't care for me. 

Liam dragged me away from my father with force, and tears started to fall, why did this have to happen I just wanted to live my life like a normal teenager, be with somebody who cares for me, and doesn't hurt me like my father does. But no matter how hard I seem to fight or how I feel nothing seems to go my way. 

As my thoughts clouded my judgement. Liam dragged my roughly outside and towards his Black jeep. Throwing my forcefully into the back I tried regaining my composure but as soon as I did he took off making me knock my nose against the seat. 

'well that's definitely going to bruise in the morning' I leant back into my seat holding my face, whilst looking up at Liam in the mirror of the front of the car.

'What was he going to do to me?' I saw Liam glance at me through his rear view mirror. 

"So Clarke, what are we going to do with you, hmmm... what about tie you up and beat you, no, maybe I'll just rape you again but without you being knocked out, yeah that sounds good... wait nope got a good one i'll tie you up beat you then ill rape you and chuck you out of a moving car... sound good to you" I gulped nervously there's no fucking way I'm going to let him do that to me. Think Clarke think how can you get yourself out of this.  I started to panic and tried both doors next to me trying to get out of the car, but they were locked.

"Don't even bother Clarke I came prepared" I stopped trying, and just sat quietly waiting for my untimely demise, which will most likely happen with this hot, nasty bastard. Even if I hate to admit it he was hot.. but he was also a psycho. 

Finally stopping at our destination, Liam Hops out and makes his way around to the door to the side I was sitting on. He opens it whilst showing his signature smirk and I back away towards the other door facing him, but he ends up grabbing one of my ankles and pulls me out of the vehicle with force straight onto the hard concrete road, in the process I slam my head on the bottom of his car, joy oh joy. 

The pain from banging my head coursed through my skull, and almost immediately my head started to spin. With extreme force Liam pulls me from the ground and drags me by my hair towards what I presume is his house, and it was surprisingly a quiet area with houses looking miles away form each other, this made my heart sink even further into my chest. 

I try pulling out of his grip, but with each pull he tightens his hands around me.

'This can't be happening' I screamed out in pain trying to escape his tight grip on my hair but nothing was working. 

"Stop trying to fight me Clarke, you'll just make it harder for yourself" Liam whispered into my ear, for some reason it sent shivers down my spine. I never knew something like a whisper could take an effect on me, but this time not in a good way.

"never you Ass wipe" I huffed in frustration, and that anger which raged inside of my finally surfaced.

"Ohh princess don't get upset you'll enjoy this, wait no I will... you won't" Liam says as he slams open the front door of his house. Walking in he closes the door behind him with me still tight in his grip. "we are all alone now Clarke you think your prepared" he suddenly let go of me, but I was now frozen in fear. "why now Clarke I thought you would of run away by now, I think you have just made this easier for me, but then again I like difficult situations" Liam comes stalking up to me "Run" he whispers, my eyes widen and I back away. Turning around, I try to find a way out but every door I came across was locked, none of them were open except one which I stupidly opened and ran into. Not knowing where I was, I felt this deep feeling that I was exactly where Liam wanted me to be.

"God damm sweet potato" wow.... 'Clarke your so funny, good swear word....' I shake my head at the stupid words which left my mouth. 'Shut up I'm trying here' you see my mind really does like to contradict itself, I threw my hands up in the air as I silently went mad at myself, but the footsteps of somebody made me snap out of my fantasy world. 

"well princess I didn't think you where this stupid, thought you'd use the back door obviously the keys were out of sight for your precious eyes" I heard Liam say as a chuckle escape his lips. I stumbled down the steps and before I knew it I laid dizzy collapsed at the bottom of the steps feeling like there was nothing left to loose. 


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