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Song - Falling apart by Michael Schulte

Song - Falling apart by Michael Schulte

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Clarke's POV - Edited

My body was in an unbearable amount of pain. But I woke up, unlike my will to live. All I wanted is for it to end, for everything to end but somehow, for some reason life continued on. I thought of Liam and William and how their hands invaded my body. It hadn't been the first time something like this had happened, but I wanted nothing more than for this to stop. But it just kept replaying in my mind, the cigarette burning my delicate skin or how one of them scarped their finger nails across my back. There are somethings I'll never go near again, somethings I never will want to relive. But I guess I just have to wait my turn don't I. After opening my eyes, I realised I wasn't in the basement anymore. I wasn't even inside, the cold air whipped across my face and I finally notice I was along a long quiet lonely highway. 

I took in a breath of fresh air as the wind soothed my wounds. Was I like a piece of trash I thought, was I someone that was easily manipulated. I could tell you right here and now I was, I easily trusted, I wanted to make a difference and see the good in people. But what use has it brought me in the time I've been alive on this earth. I took my head in my hands as I began to cry. I weeped for a moment, leaning back and looking up at the stars I would be more than happy for it to end here and now as I smiled at the sky. 

Where am I, what's going on? that was the question which puzzled my brain. But then again was the important, did it really matter that I was finally alone. 

I glanced over my shoulder at the long empty road, I felt confused yet relieved to finally be out of the hands of those lunatics. But the pain, I'd only now realised how pain I was in. Combined with the wounds I sustained form my father I felt like I was finally falling apart at the seems. Sitting quietly against what seemed to be a lamp post, I whimpered quietly to myself. Tears drew from my eyes and I  broke down completely. At least I wasn't completely naked, one less thing to think about if someone finds my dead body. But with the cold windy air they did nothing, My teeth shuttered together and I brought my arms into my chest. I tried making an effort yo stand to my feet, I had to live somehow. Maybe this wasn't the end of my story. 

I finally gained enough strength, and hoisted myself from the ground very ungracefully I might add. Taking it step by step, I made it slowly down the lonely highway to who knows where. But hopefully someone would find me. Time went by and nightfall hit with the moon shining my way, limping ever so slow I finally heard the distant sound of a car driving up from behind me. 


Blake's POV

Why was it always me fixing peoples problems, I owned a gang for the very reason so that I didn't have to handle the grit work. But here I am aren't I running a stupid drug run, I hate it no I despise it when the boys mess up. But I especially hate it when its a school night, I had a sister to take care of and school to pass unlike some of my boys. But the one thing that stole my thoughts was Clarke. The way she looked at me had been bugging me since I last saw her. Which seemed to worry me even more with her disappearance.

Driving down one of the abandon roads in town, I take it slow since I don't really want to go home. I didn't want to be thinking anymore about the problems in my life, and being surrounded by so many guys, it's not always as cut out as some people believe. Making my way down the road, I eventually spot something strange limping slowly along the edge of it. I furrowed my eyes trying to catch a glimpse of whatever it was. I finally stopped and winded down the passengers window to see an almost naked girl shivering. Hair covered her face, so I couldn't make out who it was.

"mam ahem mam. Are you okay?" The girl looks up at me and it was like my breathing had stopped. I wasn't the only one that seemed to stop breathing as the girl looked at me with pure embarrassment and shock. But I wasn't expecting for the girl to dive head first into the ground. I quickly jumped out of the car and ran around the car to meet Clarke's shock and paralysed body. I couldn't believe it was her, seeing her like this made everything inside of me made. Who would do such a thing to her? I tried touching her but she flinched back at me and I frowned. 

"Clarke it's okay, it's me Blake." For some reason I didn't think she knew it was me, she seemed in too much shock right now to notice.

" No don't touch me, ahh get away from me." wriggling in my arms she fought me whilst she started to cry. Looking her up and down I notice various things, bruising on her body, burn marks, cuts and old scars which covered her from head to toe. She slowly settled down in my arms and I picked her up bridle style carrying her to my car.

Opening the passenger's seat, I placed her in slowly trying not to hurt her more then she looked, because believe me I can tell she is in a lot of pain. Hurrying up I get back in the driver's seat and reach over putting on her seat bell on, she looks up into my eyes and I can see a sort of thanks from her even though she didn't say anything, she was tired of walking and probably freezing half to death. 

Taking off my leather jacket I drape it over her and turn on the car. Driving off she almost instantly falls sleep, and even though I'm happy she is safe in my possession, I still can't get over the fact why someone would do something like this to a girl like Clarke, especially when she is always nice even though she sometimes acts annoyed and stuck up she makes me smile and in a good way, a loving way for some reason. It was weird how she drew me to her, Even though  we'd just met, she caught my attention in a way which I can't explain. I'm hoping I can help her in someway, but there was one thing I knew I wasn't going to let her go back to anything that would hurt her. I guess it wouldn't just be be would it,  had the support of all my men, and maybe this time I wouldn't mess up protecting my girl. Did I just say that?

Looking back and forth between the road and her as I hurried home, I couldn't help but also notice the cute snores coming out of her mouth. 

'Damm this girl's got you hooked' I thought to myself, but how is it possible to fall for someone so quick. 'Maybe next time you should listen to the friends,' yet again my brain talks back to me and maybe it was right, maybe I was hooked and maybe I had finally found someone that I care for. I've found since I lost most of my family it was hard to trust or be there for people that wasn't my sister. But I did it, I rebuilt my father gang I became a leader and I made a life for my sister again. 

Authors Note

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the book so far and I hope that I'm updating regularly enough for you all.

Vote and comment it is all appreciated tremendously, love you all. ❤️❤️

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now