Chapter 11 - Unknown surrounding's

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Edited, But i will go back through it in the future and edit the entire book again. XOXO You dearest Lily

 XOXO You dearest Lily

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Clarke's POV

Warmth was all i felt, it was like heaven to me, not in a billion year's did i think i would feel so warm and comfortable again. Waking up slowly but surely, all the memories of the last couple of days came rushing back to me, my father pushing me down the stairs, the queen bee giving me over to the jocks so they could take my innocents, and my father basically selling my soul to Liam to torture and Rape me even further into insanity.

 I darted from my current position in bed, but instantly regretted it when i felt pain go throughout my entire body. However, i didn't go to far when i realised there was hands around my waist, looking over to who they belonged to, i remember all of last nights events as well, it was Blake, Blake Ryder in the flesh and blood.

Ohh he is cute when he sleeps... Clarke what the hell why are you thinking like this.

"Quit staring, I'm trying to sleep" Blake mumbled, pulling me even further into his chest, I giggled at how cute he sounded, I don't think I've seen this side of Blake before. Moments later he shoots up in a panic. "Holy shit" Blake looked over to me and grabbed both of my shoulders. "Clarke your awake, how do you feel? Are you okay?" Blake went from one question to another, looking me up and down as if I was severely hurt which I was, but I didn't realise he would care so much, especially about someone like me.

"I'- Im... I'm okay I guess" I didn't know what else to say, but the one thing that came to mind was a hug. I suddenly grabbed him and brought him into a deep hug, he didn't react until seconds later and brought his hands around me tightly, even though I was in pain it didn't bother me, some one cared about how I was and that was a start. " I'm not okay, but for some reason I feel okay with you even more safe then I've felt in a long time" tears started to fall from my face and Blake brought me further into him, basically he was swaddling me and i kind of enjoyed it.

"Don't worry, princess i won't let you go anywhere and ill keep you safe, plus ill beat all the ass hat's that hurt you" making me smile, Blake was trying his best not to swear but it just made me laugh, even he noticed and started to laugh with me.

"Y-you said ass hat" i couldn't stop laughing i didn't know what got into me, maybe the fact that i hadn't felt joy or happiness in a long time or even someone who remotely gave a shit about me.

Whilst me and Blake laid cuddling in bed, i got to thinking.

This is going so quickly, i don't even know the guy and i feel this connection... he makes me feel safe.

"Hey Blake" i looked up at his sleepy face, which i could tell still needed it beauty sleep.

"mhmm" he replied with a hint of curiosity, whilst looking back down at me.

"Why did you pick me up last night, why do you care about me so much no one has ever, well expect one person but she's no longer here, its kinda weird to know the feeling of someone who cares" i look down at my hands and play with them, if only i would be truthful to myself and everyone around maybe i could live for once and let somebody care for me. Blake sat up in bed and looked dead straight into my eyes.

"You want to know why i care, well ill tell you..." Blake looked away into the distance and stared out the window " I care because, I've lost people to, i care because you made me feel again, seeing you trying to make me feel like an arrogant asshole made me happy. It sparked emotions inside which i haven't felt in a long time, and you just seemed so perfect, but then i started to notice you more and more, the way fear lurked in your eye's scared me and i wanted to make sure you were okay, in some reality i wanted you to be mine, be in my arms safe, but i ruined everything i didn't come after you when i told myself to and i ignored all the signs of your suffering, I'm not worthy of you Clarke" for the first time i saw Blake tear himself apart, it was like he turned this situation into his fault when it wasn't. I got up from where i was sitting and placed one of my hands on his shoulder.

"Blake, don't beat yourself up, I'm just one of those people who hate to fight, i had finally given up over this last week" Blake turned around and grabbed my hands waiting for me to continue, trying to think how to tell him i admire the many secrets Blake's room holds. It was a simple room, black and red with various clothes scattered everywhere and a few posters of things id rather not discuss, but what it told me was is it possible Blake was just a normal boy but then i get to thinking what about Jarod what about him, what about how he said he has lost people to, they all meant something.

"Clarke" I looked back at Blake and totally forgot a was talking, so i continued.

"Ahh yes, well i had given up, but then i met you, like you said its silly, even though i was mad at Mr Higgins for paring me with you, the more lesson's we had the more i kind of got used to you even though its only been a week at school your bad boy aura has growing on me" Blake Chuckled and i joined in a little.

 "You kind of seemed mysterious, but i then got distracted by the fact of Liam and how he was taking things away from me and my father giving me beatings that you kind of skipped my mind... but as soon as you picked me up and cared for me last night ,i kind of got in my head that you cared i just hope that you don't throw me out of hurt me like them" i crawled to the head of the board  grabbed my legs bringing them into my chest. Suddenly Blake pulled me back and brought me into another hug.

"Fuck all of them, i can't believe I'm saying this but damm Clarke Mackenzie you got me whipped and ill never leave your side, ill keep you safe" Blake Nuzzled into my neck and kissed it, it made me flinch but in a good way, id never felt this kind of affection especially from the male species and not in a entire universe would i believe you if ya told me i would be in bed with a bad boy and that he wasn't player but a lover and a fighter.

"are you okay Clarke was that weird i won't do that again if you don't like it" he was panicked but then he winked the next.

"Bloody Boys" i i shook my head whilst still in the grip of Blake.

"I'm not a boy I'm a man and obviously you liked it" he then went into give me little kisses on my neck which honestly tickled, i huffed trying to get him to stop but i couldn't help it i burst out laughing.

"Stop.. It hurts now" Yes it defiantly was starting to hurt, and what ever they gave me was starting to wear off, but i was happy sitting here and relaxing for once, in an environment which made me feel safe and for once i didn't want it to end this moment which i was in was like heaven.

The door slammed opened, and as i looked up i saw three boys coming in all giving Blake's signature smirk, one i recognise  to be Jarod the tall ginger head sex god nurse, and the others to that id never met before, i looked back over at Blake a little shocked that they would barge in like that.

"ohhhhhh she the girl isn't she bro i told you. You are so whipped" i looked over and focused myself on a short, brown head guy with  bright green eyes, i don't know his name but Blake must of mention me to him. Then Blake spoke up

"you, you and you, get the hell out before i kill you all in your sleep or tell your girlfriend's what menaces you are" Blake pointed at each of them and gave a cold hearted stare, they all suddenly scrambled but not before the two guys i didn't know introduced themselves and Jarod winked at me.

"im Marty, Marty Lockman" the guy that said Blake was whipped, ran out and waved me goodbye.

"ohh and I'm Tyson Banks"...

They all ran away and slammed the door behind them, i looked back at Blake. "well damm i like them" that came out quite weird i had never admitted id liked a bunch of guys before, but they seemed like my type of friends and trouble makers in the making.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now