Chapter Twenty Seven - Mission rescue Clarke

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Clarke's POV

I feel like waiting is torture, and that there isn't any hope left. You see I've been strapped to this godamm ceiling fro five freaking days, and right now you'd think id feel weak, but no I'm not weak. I feel stronger, my mind feels like its building a wall, maybe its just to deal with this situation, but i know in myself, that if Blake doesn't come, ill die trying to get out of this hell hole. It wasn't anything compared to my father's, it was worse, much worse, and thats saying something especially being me.

I hung there thinking of the endless possibilities of how i could escape this little shop of horror, but i don't think i can. First of all I'm in the middle of nowhere, there isn't a house for miles, there is always at least five guys in the house... so even if i got out of this stupid contraction, i don't think id be able to sneak pass them anyway. Blake always said to me I'm a really bad ninja, well thats what i call myself... he'd always end up catching me if i tried to scare him. This memory of him put a smile on my face, but then the thoughts went as soon as they came, and i sigh in frustration.

"Goddamit.... ehhh i can't take it anymore" i wriggle around in the restraints, and as a did i started once again to feel that warm sensation of blood trickle down my arms. 

Great just great, more freaking blood.. i thought to myself, how can this day get any better. The door to the room i was in, suddenly swung upon and to my surprise a new guy walked in, he looked only familiar but i couldn't put a finger on it. Coming in behind him was Liam, and as always Liam had that million dollar smile of misery on, and oh i just knew what was going through his oddly disturbing thoughts, and that was sex, ohhh no maybe torture, or hey he could whip me again, that would be even more painful since the cuts on my back still haven't healed. Who really knew with that guy, he is a bloody psychopath.

"Hello my dear princess" Liam comes walking up to me, and smiles in content. "I have brought a new guy to play with you today, he is a new member... please make him feel welcomed, and you might be let down from those restraints" Liam brings he hand up to my face, but i flinch back in response not saying a word to him. I didn't want to speak to that thing... Liam then grabbed my face harshly and growled at me in anger. "Do you understand me" he eyes were now filled with venom, and as he held on to my face tears dripped down my cheeks. I nodded in response so he'd let go and he did. 

The new guy which i felt familiar with, stepped up to stand next to Liam, they both conversed, and Liam told a joke the other guy didn't seemed effected by it, but he laughed a little just to keep Liam at bay. Liam then left the room in a hurry leaving me face to face with this mystery man to play with me. The guy walks up to me slowly, then all of a sudden rips off his glasses, a wig and freaking side burns, i bloody knew those hairy suckers were fake. What was left, utterly shocked me...

"Hey clarke" Jarrod winked at me, and my face went beetroot red, bleming hell it was Jarod, aka Blake's best friend, aka my new bestie, aka the guy who freaking brought me chocolate.

"Holy moly guacamole... Its that you Jarrod" i quietened down so no one would here us to talking.

"In the flesh and bones, my little ninja" this comment made me smile, i can't believe this guy pulled off a stunt like this, when i get out of here I'm so gonna give Jarrod a big sloppy kiss... he derives it.

"Thank the millions of yummy food, the handsome man and the animals"  i look up at the ceiling and i hear Jarrod laugh at my response. 

"Well Clarke it isn't over yet, I've gotten in here but I'm currently trying to think of winging it on getting out of here" i looked down at him in yet again utter shock.

"Are you freaking kidding me, you came in here without a plan, and now your trying to wing it on getting us out... seriously" from his point of view right now id be a fuming mess, however Jarrods smile just got wider and wider, and he broke down into laughter yet again.

"Ohh.... ohhh my goodness.. you should of seen your face" Jarrod basically was currently dying on the floor from laughter, and i was still hanging from the ceiling, in pain and wanting to murder the little bastard.

"Totally not funny... you... you.. you little grinch" Jarod got up and gave me that he always does when i come back with lame responses.

"Seriously the grinch, it that all you freaking have... man i honestly don't know why Blake is so in love with you" Jarod bought his hand to his face, and stood there in silence.

"Ohh stop being like that.. no judge judge remember... i have seen Mr cuddles... do you really want all the guys to know about Mr Cuddles" i raised an eye brow at him, and his face drops like a pin.

"You wouldnt dare" now it was time for me to smirk back..

"Oh i would" my face changed very quickly and now i was feeling seriously "Now... get me down" Jarod rushed to my side and picked the lock open, i was about to fall to the ground but Jarrod caught me in time, and hurried me over to the bed.

"Okay so now it the time for us to escape you ready" i looked up at Jarod.

"Are you serious, is this really our freaking plan" Jarod nodded in response, but then something scared the living day lights out of me. From above i hear gun shots, and a shit load of them.

"Ohh its like wedding bells to my ears..." Jarod looked down at his watch, "Literally right on time, man i gotta commend Blake for his timing more often" Jarod looked back up at me, "You defiantly have to marry his lame ass now that he saved you once again." i shooked my head in amusement, as Jarod swooped me up into his arms, since literally i just wanted to fall apart.

"Well dude maybe i will... maybe i will, how many times does a guy gotta save a girl to make her his wife" i looked at harrods face for a response.

"None, because that stupid idiot was already in love with you in junior high, he just didn't know it"

"You say what now..." we both laugh in amusement, but as Jarod carries me out of that horrible basement room, we hear the distant shout of Liam and Blake, by now i knew exactly what those two sounded like and they were in a very heated argument 

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now