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Song: How far we've come - Matchbox Twenty

Clarke's POV

Five years Later...

So you'd think that life shouldn't be so great for me, id think that to... But its absolutely marvellous. Im in love, I'm married to a guy id never thought id be married to, and today i might of found out that I'm pregnant. You see after i married Blake, everything went sideways, i know what your thinking i can never catch a break. Well Blake... he ended up having to go away on business, and well went missing for six months, so you can just tell how i felt in his months of dissapearance. We found him though, he was stupidly tired up in an only womens gang basement in Canada, now that got your minds thinking ahhh. Well he didn't do anything naughty, but i did indeed slap him for getting himself into a situation like that, but all he did was smile and kiss me back... boys i know right. 

As i sat down on the toilet seat, i prepared myself as i stared at the used pregnancy stick before me. literally i was sweating so much, i felt as if i was going to pass out. You see... side note both Blake and I had also been trying for the last two years, but the doctors told me i had a what did he call it, a hostel uterus... and yes i quoted grey's anatomy, how else was i supposed to described my fudged up reproductive system. Also it didn't help Blake would go away for months at a time, then id fall back into my mood swings, and depression... and man did i try to hide these things from Blake, but he eventually would find out and cry alone by himself, which made me sad again in return. So I'm hoping a positive pregnancy test will change our lives, and yes i love the bad boy with all my heart, id never not want to be with him now. 

The screen started to flash and i couldn't believe what came up on the screen... Pregnant.

"Ahhhhhhhh, oh my fucking god... oh my god, i can't believe this is happening" i jump up from the toilet seat, and go into full on fan girl mode. i stop myself suddenly and my mind go into crazy thought.

'Clarke you have to surprise Blake.. you can do this' i thought to myself as i exited the ensuite bathroom in Blake and mines bedroom.

I quickly stuffed the pregnancy test into my back pocket, and made it out of the bedroom, slowly making it down the stairs of the house. To be honest i was hella nervous, but i knew Blake would be so happy. I walked up to Blake office door, and peak though the door to him doing paper work, he honestly looked so cute when he did paper work, i could watch him for hours.

" i know your there Clarke" Blake looked up and caught my eye. I smiled, and shook my head in disbelief.

"how do you do that ever time Mr Blake Ryder" his smile turned into a smirk.

" i don't know Mrs Clarke Ryder" i walked up to Blake's side and kissed him on the forehead.

"So... what you working on" Blake flipped though some paper work and spun his chair to face me.

"Boring stuff, id much rather make love to you" Blake winked and pulled me into his arms.

"Well..." i smiled at him and we both looked into each other's eyes. "There's something more important" i smiled innocently trying to make Blake think.

"What could be more important then making love to my love" As i sat in Blake's lap, i touched his cheek, and smiled at him.

"What would you say welcoming another member to the family" Blake face changed dramatically.

"does this mean what i think it means" i nodded at his response. Blake though he is the most sensitive and cute thing ever, and broke down into tears. i kissed his cheek, and he hugged me tight. "I can't believe we are going to have a baby... wait did you take a pregnancy test" i nodded and pulled away from Blake, grabbing the pregnancy test from my pocket. "holy shit were going to be parents" this then made me start to cry. Blake brought his hand to my face and wiped the tears away. "why you crying"

"It's...it's just I'm so happy i never thought we'd come this far Blake"

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