Chapter 16 - New school, for a new start

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Not edited - Hope you enjoy my lovely readers XOXO

Clarke's POV

It's had only been a few days since Blake had gotten back from his business trip, and I was thrilled that most of that time we were spending time together or more like finding out stuff we never knew about each other and it was pretty dam great, but the more time we were together the more it seemed to slip away from time that is.

As I sat quietly chopping away on my fruit loops I wondered how my first day of school was going to be like.

" hello, their friend what you are thinking about" my thoughts were cut short by the sound of Blake's voice. I smiled shyly at him and shrugged, this morning was going oddly slow and it just made my mind run more and more wild. As we both sat down and lazed around the kitchen like a bunch of sad puppies, I think to myself, we both didn't want to go to school, but then again, I did. It was exciting to think I didn't know anyone from my new school and it was better that Blake and all his close mates where coming to as well as their girlfriends. I could finally for once have best girlfriends, and go out partying, maybe not I'm not going to push myself to far too quickly.

As we sat there in silence eating our cereal, I decided to speak up. "I honestly don't know what I'm thinking Blake, I'm excited for today... but then again I'm not really considering all that's happened" I quieten down again, playing back all the memories inside my head and I know Blake would of notice my sudden change in mood, but I just couldn't help it. Mentally my mind was still fighting all the pain and hatred that resided from the people who hurt me, and all the people who surrounded me with love made me start to move on. However, sometimes some people can't, especially me since its gone on for so many years, I don't know if I'll be able to last, especially some days here and there.

I felt Blake's body next to mine as I sat at the kitchen counter, and slowly he hugged me from behind laying his head on my back.

"It'll be fine Clarke, nothing bad will happen I understand your worry, but I'll be there for you, so will everyone else that we know" I smiled again placing my hand on his head ruffling it in the process.

"Okay I will" I picked up my empty cereal bowl and made my way over to the sink to clean it. However, suddenly Blake snatched it out of my hands in the process, "Hey man I was about to clean that" Blake lifted the bowl in the air so I couldn't reach it, and as I tried to grab it, I nearly fell knocking him in the process, but that made no difference.

"I'm not giving you the bowl back because I will clean it, you seriously need to put some pants on so go, go do that okay" he placed the bowl in the sink leaving it alone, so he could come over to push me towards his bedroom me being the stubborn person I am tried to stop in my tracks but it failed miserable. "Stop trying to dig you heels in Clarke and get a move on" I couldn't help but shake my head at his remark.

"say's the one who also needs to put pants on" I heard Blake mumble a decent amount of swear words under his breathe, as he pushed me the rest of the way to our bedroom. As we made it in I made a sprint for the bathroom and locked the door behind me, seconds later I heard Blake scream my name and bang on the door.

"Clarke, please open the door I need my pants for school" Blake knock and knocked and knocked but I still choose to ignore him.

"nope not happening, your fault you didn't put pants on" I giggled slightly at his effort for his pants.

"well you didn't have pants on either" I continued to listen to him, whilst I undressed for the shower.

"Well I had good reason's I'm showering now you peasant unlike you who stinks" Good one Clarke you should come up with snarky remarks more often.

"Well we could save water open the door so I can join you" Now this is a good time to barf at him, I roll my eyes getting into the shower.

"In your dreams lover boy" our conversation stops there as the water overpowers it, and I stand there beneath the warmth of the water thinking. Looking at the mirror in the shower always got me thinking, as I looked up and down my healing body, it reminded me repeatedly of my mistakes, maybe if I had only not rung my mum that day maybe all of this would be different. Jumping out of my thoughts, I quickly hop out of the shower and dry off, wrapping the towel around my body.

I get out of the bathroom, to find Blake has fallen asleep waiting for me half on and off the bed. I leave him in peace whilst I get dressed.

What should I wear today? I thought about this a lot leading up to my first day back at high school, and I decided with something simple, I went for simple high wasted mum jeans, paired with a yellow brown and red stripe shirt, a cute black belt and my new favourite pair of shoes, my old-school skater vans in purple of course, and they all went perfect together. I looked at myself in the mirror and approved, heading back out of the closet I go towards were Blake is sleeping and wack him over the head with a pillow. This defiantly wakes him up, by the time he reacts I'm already on the floor laughing, better yet him somehow managed to injure himself but knocking his hip on the edge of the bed, I swear it simple to get him these days,

"Yes funny, it's like so funny" Blake got up from the floor giving me his tongue in the process and made his way in the bathroom to get his jeans. After about five minutes he came back out looking ten times better than before.

"How, how can you look so good in five minutes" I said as I got up from the floor.

"A man will never tell his secrets, now hurry up we can't be late" now I was excited, I rushed to grab my new book bag and ran for the car, a new start and a new adventure.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now