Chapter Twenty Six - Could this be hope

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Hey guy's here's a chapter just with Blake's point of view, sorry it was short but I'm stuck on what type of detail i should put in. I will edit it in the future, and add in more detail. xoxo

Blake's POV

The little hope i had left, finally crept back up and made me have faith again. It had been a couple of weeks since Clarke had disappeared from my bed, and that day i remember clearly. I woke up from a weird, but pleasant dream of us two together, and as i reach to cuddle Clarke, i notice she was gone. Thats when the sinking feeling of fear sunk in, i don't know what had came over me, but i had that hunch that she had done something i didn't want her to to. You see she is one of those people, over the last couple of months, I've gotten to know her habits, and she tends to do the opposite of what i want just to please me, which doesn't bother me about the small things. However this was serious, she was no were, and even all of the guys became worried when i was running around the house calling her name.

Present day...

"Hey boss i think we have a hit on her location..." i was shook out of my thoughts, and found the hope i was looking for.

"Whats her location Marty" my expression hardened, and i became focus on one thing, and one thing only, Clarke's location.

"Follow me boss" i hurried along behind Marty, and followed him down into the basement of our house. We made it down the stairs, and Marty came up to his set up and sat down, typing in some random sequences, which i hardly understood. We all stood in Silence as Marty worked his magic. Then he finally spoke up. "Right here boss" Marty pointed at the screen, and my jaw literally dropped.

"Ahh you fucking kidding me" my anger rose in my body, and i ended up kicking the nearest empty chair. "Why the fuck is she in Liam's holiday gang house, are you for fucking real... this can't be happening... how are we going to get her back, she wouldn't of just let them take her" i shook my head in disbelief, i just wanted my princess back and safe in my arms.

'Dude you got it so bad' good damm you mind, who you think like this. 'Well only because you know the truth' that i agree with.

"Well whats the plan" i turned around to face one of my best friends Jeremy who just responded.

"Well Jeremy... you always know the plan, its the one we use overtime you get your ass kidnapped" i kind of chuckled thinking about those memories.

"Hey... i don't get kidnapped that much" Jeremy put on his pouty face, and this brighten my mood slightly. But it still didn't stop me from worrying about Clarke, worrying about what she was going through.

"Don't say you don't Jeremy... you do and the fucked up thing is you end up convincing them to buy you food... like every fucking time.. then i have to shoot the poor bastards, like seriously" Jeremy puts his hands up in defence, and this makes me laugh even more. Man this guy is going to be the death of me, plus Emerie and Clarke when they all gang up on me.

"In my defence, ever time i convince them i have my poor stomach in mind, and you know i have the upper hand with all the man" Jeremy lifted up his shirt and i looked away.

"TMI man TMI" i turned to look back at the computer, and leant down going through the plan in my head. How was i going to get her out there.. the one place which is a mind field and open.

It took us hours to devise a perfect plan, but my closest friends and i got the 'save Clarke mission' underway and lets just say, the funniest part of this planning was when Emerie walked in trying to be a diva and get our attention. However, instead of doing that she shocked us all with some fine as gang skills, lets just say I'm proud of my baby sister. 

Its so funny when a little girl, points out a big as flaw in a grown man's gang mission, i laugh my ass off every time she does it to the guys. To me it doesn't bother me one bit, but to the guys they all get that pouty puppy face, then its my turn to give her a big ass high five.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now