Chapter 14 - why does everything have to hurt

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Clarke POV

Blake and I had been out all day shopping, and literally dropped dead once we got home not even bothering to acknowledge the boys versing each other on Xbox. Both me and Blake made our ways back up to the bedroom where I first woke up and smashed into the soft pillows. For me however the pain from the last couple of days had grown stronger and now it felt agonising.

I mumbled into the pillows " Blake it won't stop hurting" slow tears starts to come down my face.

Blake's POV (Blake's coming into action 🧡)

It had been a long day and I was super tired not even sleeping a wink since I basically picked Clarke off the side of the road. However as we made our way up to the bedroom something felt off, Clarke wouldn't stop talking the whole time home but now she was dead silent.

We made it to my bed room and Clarke dug her body into my bed, but she then began to cry.

"Blake it won't stop hurting" I could see tears coming from her eyes. I crouched down beside her quickly examining her to see if anything had changed but it hadn't.

" Clarke what's wrong please tell me were it hurts"  she lifts up her shirt for me and points to her stomach. " okay well it is like a sharp pain or like I want to throw up my guts pain" she laughed a little through her tears which made me feel like that was a good sign, but I was still quite worried with the way she looked, her skin was pale and looked like she was in it for a big ride.

" I..... I think imma throw up Blake" Clarke tried to get up but I stopped her, making sure to help her healing body to the bathroom, as soon as we made it to the toilet she sort of projectile vomited into the bowl, but it wasn't just vomit it had heaps of blood throughout it.

My mind started to worry, why is it that she gets all of this crap, why is it always her. Frantically looking up i shouted out to jarrod.

"Jarrod get in hear now" my voice lowered and I was mixed with emotions, from anger to worry.

In no time jarred came running into the bathroom, with a look of concern on his face.

"Dude what's wrong with her" now I felt frantic, why was she so sick. Jarred came up to Clarke and examined her.

"What's happened so far, has she vomited or anything" I nodded in reply.

"Yes but she has also vomited blood amongst the vomit, she has turned pale and she has a fever" jarred stood thinking over the possibilities and with that I could see I hint of worry also in his own expression. After pacing back and forth, i grew impatient. "Dude seriously whats  wrong with her" i got up and stalk above jarrod's body.

"woah dude back down, i may have a possibility, but it like a chance in a thousand that she has it but then again if she also had a strict diet it could explain it and a weak digestive system" Jarrod stood think, i looked down at him and into his eyes.

"what is it" i grabbed my hair in frustration

"most likely  gastritis, but i didn't want to admit it could be that, and by the looks of her its been brewing for awhile just all of this abuse, conditions, stress and anxiety, its finally hit her, because her system was so weak to begin with, it was easier for her to get this type of problem" i looked back down at Clarke's fragile looking body still healing from all the torture she has endured, why her, why now, she doesn't deserve it. 

i crouched to Clarke's side and comforted her by rubbing my hand up and down her back, she then turned around and stuck her head into my chest.

"Blake your so amazing" and like that she fell asleep in my arms, i was astonished how quick she did it. Anyway, i picked her up bridle style and come back into my bedroom placing her under the big fluffy covers, and yes you thought right some guys do like fluffy covers. She tossed and turned in her sleep and as i watched her little tiny body my brain ran wild, how am i going to protect her, how am i going to tell her I'm apart of a huge gang, what am i gonna do if she rejects me, and just wants to run away not looking back, i wouldn't blame her if she did but then i wouldn't be able to protect her, because as soon as i saw her face she kind of made me melt.

As i laid back i glance over as Clarke, she is one in a million, she different, she's not a complete nerd, but she has never wanted to be popular, she just wants to be left alone, not abused for once in her life and thats what i plan to give her, but with more love and caring then she could imagine, because she deserves it especially to have someone to support her.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now