Chapter 22 - Danger is Coming

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I had fallen asleep shortly after Blake ask me to be his girlfriend, because man was i still tired out from everything that has happened in the last couple of days. Not only did i try and kill myself, but Blake also said he loved me and that whether or not id be his girlfriend, which i happily agreed upon, because man was I falling hard for him in many ways, and he also gave me his trust and finally told me what he was keeping from me, and that was that he was a gang leader. Which didn't surprise me since he seemed like the type, but he had his morals, standards and respect for the job, whilst in his other alter ego life with me, he treated me with more kindness and care then people ever have in a long time.

I woke up hours later, still in the same comfy spot of Blake's bedroom, which i gladly appreciated, but Blake was no where in site. It started to worry me, but then again i need to not worry.

Don't be so needy Clarke, don't be needy...

I turned over in bed and looked over to the door of Blake's bedroom and as if he read my mind, he was standing there with his signature smile.

"My girl is finally awake" he walked over to bed in just a pair of sweats and crawled back in bed.

"Yes I'm awake, how long have i been out" i rubbed my eyelids and looked back over to where he crawled into bed.

"Um.. another day or so, but i knew you needed it so i didn't disturb you" i got closer to him and laid my head upon his chest, i could get used to this. "I need to tell you something though..." I tilted my head up towards his face.

"What is it" I told myself not to worry, but anything could happen to me these days and so could it to Blake.

"Well it's your father and... and those stupid guys clarke... there snooping around, I'm worried there apart of that other stupid gang, that threatens our power, we are amongst the most powerful, and i feel as if there trying to find you, they know your not dead" i cuddled more into Blake, now i really didn't want to leave this bed, i couldn't face them again. a tear slipped, from my eye, just thinking about everything I've been through.

 i just wish that my mother was here she would know what to do, but i had to go and stuff that up to, I've stuffed everything up, what is wrong with me. I thought hard and long, and both Blake and I sat laying in each other's arms for a while whilst i contemplated what i was going to do, it was more the fact that i knew all my father really wanted was me dead, and so did those others that took me, and tortured me and raped me. You see right now I'm going through those stages were id rather not speak there names, and that not even in my head. Im done i can't take it anymore, but its like as soon as a have something slightly good in my life that everything starts to fall apart. I can't have Blake go down because of me, i wanted him to be safe ,even though i knew he would.

"What you thinking about princess" i didn't respond to Blake because i didn't know what to say. "You can talk to me Clarke, you know I'm here for you" i looked back up at him and stared at his beautiful face for just a little longer.

"Blake.. its just that i can't handle this, I've already been through so much, and i don't want you to go through anything that i have"

"Ohh please, anything you've been through I've already been through, and i can guarantee because i know what your thinking about, that you need to do something so I'm not involved or effect by those guys, but tough luck little one you stuck with me" i huffed and puff in annoyance, how does this little bitch know me so well."Ohh and stop calling me a little bitch its not nice" my face went bright pink at his statement.

"Did i say that out loud"

"Yes yes you did" Blake chuckled, and i finally decided to get up and out of bed.

"Well then anything is inevitable, id Mose well get dressed, freshen up and do something, i may have down somebody stuff to myself, but i fee like the more i sit around and think the more I'm going to feel like slipping back into that hole" i was currently standing staring at Blake whilst he was laying in bed with a smile on his face

"Well then ill catch you" he then winked and also got up out of bed, walking over to me and grabbing me by the waist. "You know Clarke, i may have not knowing you for long but your one hell of a fighter, and i like fighter... plus my sister loves you so i have to love you to" that was the first time i had ever heard offical Blake say i love you, well not exactly, but it made my stomach flutter no the less, i was seriously falling for this guy so fast.However, in the back of my mind i knew i couldn't have him, or his sister or any of the guys die because of me, i had to face my father once and for all and make sure he pays. Ive sat around long enough, worrying, being scared, getting hurt, tortured, raped. I can't do it, and i won't let it happen. Blake pulled around from me, and point out he was gonna have a shower. 

I let him go, and went over to his closet pulling out some clothes he had bought me, i quickly got changed, and put on a new pair of shoes, then freshen myself up. If i was gonna do something, idle gotta do it now. I slipped out of Blake's room, hoping no one would spot me, i made my way down the stairs and out the front door in one piece. Man is Blake gonna kill me if I'm not killed first boy my father.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now