Chapter - Twenty Four - Words can't describe my pain

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Clarke's POV

'Warning may trigger some people'

Thats exactly what i was thinking the entire time i laid in the backseat of Liam and Williams car, what was going to happen to me. What were they going to do. My life was finally starting to get better, but they had to just go and ruin it for me. But then again i ruined it for myself. i was currently in the fatal position, not giving a shit about my surroundings, hoping this would all go away, but that was all cut short when one of my legs was being pulled from the car, and my body came crashing to the ground. 

As i groaned in pain, i looked at my surroundings, i was in front of a huge outback mansion if thats what you would call it that, and to make things even better, it was surrounded by nothingness, no one else's home were near for miles by the look of things.

I looked up from the ground to see William pull out yet another one of those cancer sticks, memories come flashing back, and William notices my sudden movement.

"I can see you remember these don't you" William crouches down to my level, blowing i fair amount of smoke into my face, making my heave in pain from not being able to breathe. He grabbed me yet again, but this time by the hair. I stumbled behind him in his grip as we entered the house in the middle of nowhere. no one was home, by the way i could tell it was dead silent. William dragged me down the basement stairs that i could tell were old and dusty, and knowing me i stumbled down them and fell into the back of William. He ended up throwing me into one of the basement walls in frustration, and a amused Liam came down behind us laughing.

I laid against the walls, trying not to scream or make any sound of pain, because i knew if i did id be giving those guys exactly what they wanted. i gulped in fear, as i with the to converse wiht each other in quite whispers, every so often looking at me. 

This place for some reason looked similar, but i couldn't put a finger to it. Liam came up to me and crouched down to my level, and stared me right in the eyes. He touched my face, but i fliched in fear. 

"Don't you remember this basement my darling" no no this can't be happening, all the memories of them kinapping me and torturing me in this basement came rushing back. Tear started to fall down my cheek and i back as much as i could into the wall. i shook my head at Liam.

"Please no, Liam please... not the room again" Liam got up from his crouched position.

"Ohh but yes the room princess, that is your final resting place" Liam chuckled at walked away from William and I leaving us alone. I looked in Willaim's direction and his face lit up with happiness. He came rushing towards me dragging my still fragile body away into the room i only dreaded. He lifted me up onto the bed, then grabbed some type of knife that i could hardly see, and started to cut off my clothes. I try stopping him, but that wasn't such a good idea. He ended up accidentally cutting me, so i stopped fighting back and just let him do it. This then left me in nothing but my bra and undies once again. 

He forced me into the same straps i was in last time, and i sat in silence thinking of what life could be for me, i thought i had escaped this life, but i had to do this not for myself but for Blake... His sister... and his gang, they were my new family. I heard Williams chuckles, and looked at his malevolent face, this boy was true evil. He grabbed out another smoke, something which i greatly hated, and the times i had found Blake with one id take it from him and throw it away, he'd always grunt and walk away after that. 

I watched William carefully, trying to anticipate what type of mood he was in, whether he'd burn me, rape me or just watch me scared. He cane closer wiht every puff he took from his smokes, and smiled at me.

"What do you want from me, I've gathered that you've already thought back to last time, what would you rather me do, you get to choose" he came down and sat next to me as i sat there in silence. i decided not to say anything, which was another mistake on my behalf. "Well then ill just have to bur you until you answer" William took his smoke and place it down on my exposed leg. I pulled away, well try to but i was strapped down pretty well. He laughed once again, and left the smoke burning my skin. He repeated this for a good ten minutes, until i cried for him to stop.

"Please ... please William stop.. please anything else but this" by this time my legs were siring in pain, and i had tears flowing down my cheeks. These people were pure evil, and i couldn't do anything about it, they were obviously born this way.  William stopped, pulled the smoke away and put it out. He started to stroke my hair, in approval.

"Good girl, now what do you want daddy to do" this made me basically throw up in my mouth, i can't believe this guy, daddy for goodness sake, he is sick. 

"Anything but burning me... please" i choose my words carefully, and for the first time it worked. William got up from the bed and walked over to this huge box across from the bed. He opened up the chest, and grabbed out what looked to be a gag and ball. Fuck me I'm officially dead.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now