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Song - Build me up buttercup by Lara Anderson

To feel an emotion rise inside of you as strong as the sun is to seek that raw feeling of life. We live for the next day and the next day as if we don't want to live in a way, but if we stop and listen to ourselves, even with the good and evil in life it's worth living.

Remember to take a chance...

Remember to take a chance

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Clarke's POV - edited. 

School had finally finished, and the deep dark feeling inside of me was creeping up quicker and quicker the closer I got to home. Today was like any other day, I ran into my bullies, I faced my darkest fears and I swore I saw some type of emotion shine in the eyes of Blake Ryder.

Since I've been missing from my fathers sight for forty right hours, I'm feeling worse and worse wondering what on earth he was going to do to me. He must be furious by now wondering where I was, or what happened to me. I know my father all too well, and as soon as he sees me I know he'll have it in me. 

As I walked along the hot concrete path of the summers afternoon, thoughts clouded my mind in worry. Not only because of my father, but because of what happened with the football jocks and the ever annoying stare of Mr Ryder. Ever since senior year started my life has gone from boring and dreadful, to out of control and scarring. Thinking deep down inside that I'm  done for I stand wearily in front of my house contemplating everything that could go wrong right now. I wish for once I was a different person, in another universe with simple mediocre problems but I wasn't and now here I am.

'Like that will happen' I thought to myself.

I looked up at the house and realised my father was home, just my luck I realised. To top off the icing on the cake I knew exactly what was coming next. I made my way slowly up the front steps of the house, and cracked open the door to smell of old booze and cigarettes. To my surprise I even smelt the hint of weed and sweat knowing all to well that my night was officially screwed. 'dammit now I'm definitely screwed, not only is he high but drunk.. nothing can stop him then,' I thought as I looked cautiously from side to side. 

As soon as I walked through the door I heard my dads wear voice crack as he shouted my name through the hallways of our house. 

"CLARKE!!! is that you" his footsteps echoed and I knew he was coming for me, even though I had done nothing wrong he still finds pleasure in hurting and blaming me for my mothers death.

 Coming out of nowhere I came face to face with my father, and the anger built up inside his eyes made me want to crawl down into the pits of hell and die. When my father was angry nothing stopped him. Sometimes I would even compare him to satan himself, but I feel that Satan would have more class than my father would.   

"Get over here you bitch" I quietly but quickly make my way over to him looking down at his shoes, moments passed and I heard no swear words leave his mouth or feel any impact of any kind touch my body.. but then he spoke up. "Go up stairs and change will you. After that I want you back down here to talk to one of our guests the others will be arriving soon," I nodded obediently at my father, but was hesitant or not to move. "Fucking move you're ass you ugly cow," after those harsh words left his mouth I scurried along and ran up the stairs without another thought. I rushed into my bedroom, and closed it shut behind me and locked it. Quickly I got changed and made myself presentable, spritzing myself with some perfume since I haven't showered in forty eight hours. I looked nervously in the mirror worried about who my fathers guest could probably be. 

Snapping out of my thoughts whilst getting changed, I hurried back down stairs again trying to push all of the painful thoughts out of my mind and come face to face in our family living room with the last person I least expected... Liam smith. My fears were confirmed as a smile reached Liam's face. 

"Clarke are you going to say hi to our guest, this is Liam smith a boy from your school and the son of one of my colleagues at work" I nodded and waved my hand at Liam to scared to even speak my voice had become mute I couldn't do this I can't be around that boy.

"haha It's okay Graham I know this little slut won't speak a word to me, not after I had fun with her" my fathers eyes snapped instantly back on Liam as if he was intrigued.

"Tell me son what slutty things did my bitch of a daughter get up to" they both laughed at each other and back at me.

"Many many things sir, I think she needs another lesson don't you think after what you've told me about her she deserves everything that both of us give to her" my eyes shot out of my head and feared built up inside of me. I tried backing away from the scene, but I tripped on the carpet in the hallway and went flying back hitting my head on the wall. Quickly bringing my hand to my head I felt a throbbing throughout my entire body, what had I gotten myself into I should have never come home. Looking back up at both my father and Liam they had gone, it was so quick I thought they where no where in sight, but they weren't they where right next to me one on either side, I look at both of them, waiting for their response or even their plan. "Graham you know what I was thinking" I looked up at Liam and his sly smile told me everything. 

"what is it Liam" they where conversing with each other and and the next thing that came out of Liam lips pushed me so far over the edge that I didn't think I'd survive another minute in this hell. 

"Why don't you have fun with her, then give her to me I'll dumped her and see if she can find her skinny little anorexic way home or maybe to her grave" My skin crawled as his words seethed with venom. I wanted to crawl further and further into the wall behind me but I was trapped. No where to go, no where to hide. 

As the story goes you can just imagine what they did to me next...


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The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now