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song- These days by Rudimental 

song- These days by Rudimental 

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Blake's POV

Today was interesting to say the least. Even though I had caught the passing eye of Clarke in School, I couldn't shake this feeling of something wrong inside of me. For most I couldn't get the girl out of my mind. The entire time I sat lazily listening in class, she seemed distant and drained. It was like something had happened, and not knowing made me furious.She wouldn't even take the time of day anymore to look in my direction, even if I pestered her she'd make me feel like I didn't even exist. It was as if I was some sort of virus to her, and the way she looked at me said 'why are you staring at me freak' and maybe I was. Even though I'm this tough guy on the outside, the way she made me feel sent shivers down my spine. 

What mad me even more angrier than before, was the more she ignored me the more I thought about her. It made me want to know who Clarke Mackenzie really was and why she's like this. She wasn't like the other girls who came up to kiss me or flirt, she was different. She kept quiet and to herself, she looked almost lonely. I wanted that to change, it's just I don't usually show people that side of me.. not to people I hardly know. Not even some of my friend now the deep down person inside.. I don't think even I do. 

The end of the day...

School had finally been let out, and a weight of some sort lifted off my chest.  I eventually made it out of the school and hit the packed parking lot after talking with the football coach about the current season. In his eyes I was going to be his next shining quarter back, even though i couldn't stand playing football i was contemplating giving it a go. Who knows what it's going to be like. However, my father always said stick to what you know, even though I can't stand the guy he was always right in my eyes. 

Eventually the car park died down, and I was left with the one and only my beauty, pride and joy 1960's mustang. I walked over to the drivers seat hoping in quickly as I didn't want to be late on picking up my little sister Emerie, but as I sat down I knew that I wasn't going to make it on time. So I popped out my phone and texted Jarred one of my bests friends to go get her, whilst I went into full on investigation mode. It wasn't that I didn't want to pick her up, but the more i think about Clarke the more I want to find out who she really is... something just seems so familiar.

I started up the engine of my car and let it roar with fire, driving out of the car park I made my way down the busy streets. As i entered downtown i glanced at the many abandoned warehouses, drug dens and old tattered houses. The only reason I decided to come downtown today was to see my favourite tech guru Marty, he may not be fantastic with a gun or could get himself killed in seconds, but he was more then brilliant with computer systems, security walls, bank details and just general hacking then any of my men combined. 

After passing many many pubs, pawn shops and little cafe's i made it to our run down warehouse. It was a neat place it looked abandoned on the outside but all of us guys did it up on the inside and its became our man cave/ gang house. Getting out of the car I made it to the front door and open it with my specialised security code access pin so that whoever was inside knew it was me. Being the stupid idiot I am I forgot my pin. I finally got inside, I really need to get a better memory one day or I'll forget to put pants on even though I knew all the girls i'd pass wouldn't mind. 

"yo Blake is that you" I hear a distance shout from our up stairs office.

"yesss its me Marty I'm coming up now" I ran up the loft steps and opened the door to Marty gobbling down some pepperoni pizza. "dude what about me could of saved me a slice"

"didn't think you'd be here this afternoon boss" he gave me an innocent look and went back to finishing the last slice of pizza. "so what do I owe the pleasure of having you this afternoon boss" Marty looked up at me and gave a wide smile waiting for a response.

"well i need your excellent computer skills to find out some needed information on a family" Marty's eye's shot out of his head and a smirk arose on his face.

"Is this about a particular girl you've been talking about the last couple of days to Jarrod, he mention it to me when he stole some of my pizza earlier" Marty replied with a giggle, god dam Jarrod I'm going to kill him when i get home. I huffed out in annoyance as i looked away for a moment to gather my anger. 

"Damm it I'm gonna wreck him when i get home.... anyway let's get back to business can you search up information on the Mackenzie family, daughter Clarke" Marty immediately got to work and in seconds come up with some results.

"okay i think i got something, father Graham Mackenzie to daughter Clarke Mackenzie, mother deceased to car crash, father has been picked up and thrown in county jail in a couple towns over about five times for driving drunk, by the looks after the mother's death, also there has been reports, ohhh looky looky reports from art school teacher of abuse at home, what a messed up family i feel sorry for the girl must of had a hard life growing up in high school and wanna know the fathers career he is a extremely wealthy business man but by the looks of his account money only ever goes on alcohol and....." Marty just sat looking at the screen and i was wondering what he was about to say to me.

"what is it Marty.... what else does he spend the money on" he looked up at me with a somewhat worried expression. 

"the other account he transfer's money to is our rival gang the highlands... man this is fucked up.  If they knew we were snooping... why did you get me to do this anyway" i looked down at my feet, and thought about why i did and i knew why, i had feelings for Clarke even though I've only talked to her and seen her didn't seem like your typical girl, cliche I know but I guess my mind is like that.. I wanted someone like her. Even though I wouldn't admit it. 

"I don't know man she just... she's just unique and the frightened eyes on her today got me thinking.. who is she why did she seem so afraid, there has to be a reason for it" another smirk crept into Marty's face, as i seemed slightly worried and stuck on the topic of Clarke. 

"Blake i've gotta say your whipped real bad already, why do you think she is scared for all ya know it could of been your face" Marty started laughing his ass off and I automatically kicked in his chair making him fall off, but it didn't stop him from laughing his ass off at my crush on Clarke Mackenzie.

" I'm not that ducking scary Marty but I can if you want me to be" Marty froze in front of my eyes and slowly raised his arms in defensive, got these boys are easy to get to.

But I was wrong with Marty, I haven't even realised what I said until Marty went from being serious to full on laughing again nearly to the point of no return in my eyes. 

"Ducking are you kidding me Blake, but any how i wonder what this girl is into her dad must be apart of the highlands gang somehow" thats what got me thinking, i turned away from Marty and tapped my chin in contemplation.


Author's Note

Yass i finally updated sorry its been a few days since i have been busy with school work, hope you all like this chapter from a different perspective

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Yass i finally updated sorry its been a few days since i have been busy with school work, hope you all like this chapter from a different perspective.

Who knows what gonna come next maybe you'll find out what happens to Clarke?

And don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter and comment. Love hearing feedback from my lovely readers ❤️❤️

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