Chapter 13 - what is it between us

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Unedited - will be edited soon 🧡

Clarke's POV
In the wide abyss of my mind, time had gone by so quickly this past week, so many things had happened to me and not in a good way. The only thing that was remotely heart warming was Blake, not only that he saved me from close death and abandonment, but took me into his home like that and I'm grateful for what he has done, because never in a million years would I believe you if ya told me the bad boy would take me under his wing.

However I've lived for long enough that I've gained a habit to cut myself off from the outside world, to not expect anything good in life from family or friends which I didn't have until Blake and then again I hardly know the guy, my mind is telling me do I trust him, should I trust him, will he just hurt me like all the others.

I stood there staring blankly at Blake I think I was in some sort of trance just thinking away about what life has been like for me and if it can ever change.

" hey hey Clarke you there" Blake shook his hands in front of my face and I snapped out of it quite quickly, sort of self obsessed if I'm good enough for him.

" yeah yeah I'm okay it's just I need to know something am I that tiring to you" i looked down at myself waiting for his reply, sort of pathetic I know but that's just who I am.

What I got though was Blake automatically grabbed my shoulders in comfort and brought me into a big bear hug, it was warm and comforting and something I hadn't experienced in years.

" please don't think you are tiring to me it's just that I do worry about you, and even though I hardly know who you are, my heart and my soul is inclined to protect you and some may say it is love at first sight but I won't say it until I truely mean it even if we are just friends I want to protect you and maybe make you mine one day" the words which came out of were a shock and that's just because I'm not used to people being so kind to me, well not for a long time anyway, and the fact that he said it might be love at first sight caught me off guard, this guy is supposed to be bad, with a tough exterior keeping everyone and anyone out of his life but I guess not.

I smiled at Blake and hugged him back just as tight, letting him go I showed him what I picked out and be both agreed in comfortable silence that they where right for me, with a little wink to make me blush like a cherry tomato.

Getting out of Victoria secret I started to feel a bit on the peckish side. " hey umm Blake I've never ask before or gotten it from anyone but I was wondering if we could get some food I'm quite hungry" I looked up at Blakes tall exterior and saw him smile.

" of course we can go get food Clarke lets head down, you can have anything you want" unexpectedly I was relieved that he said yes.

As we made our way down to the food court somebody caught my eye, it was the one and only Allison and her minions, I hid as quickly behind Blake's back and he instantly noticed my change in emotions.

"Woah Clarke are you okay" Blake turned around and took me into his arms, I silently shook my head and pointed discreetly at Allison. Blake looked around and found the source of my panicked state. "Ehhh, not her I fucking hate that girl all she does is annoy me and want to get in my pants" Blake's then looked back in my eyes " and she hurt you worst of all."

We tried avoiding her presence but that failed quite miserably since she had her dumb blondes looking about for any hot boy potently.
Just as quickly Allison comes running up to Blake, not even bothering to notice me but when she does she didn't look impressed.

" what the hell is this little whore doing with you Blake" she laughed and tried to push me over but Blake stopped her, he stood his ground in front of me defensively.

" first off Allison, Clarke is not a whore, secondly mind your own business it is non of your concern if she is with me and lastly is you ever come near Clarke or me or hurt anyone else I care about again I will make your life a living hell whether your a girl or not it doesn't matter" Blake exclaimed in a deeper voice then before.

That voice is super sexy, i thought however Allison voice was the prize I was looking for.

she looked shocked, it was kind of funny really and relieving to myself that I knew Blake definitely cared and would stand up for me, but to see her face, she deserved all that she was getting.

"now if you don't mind me and Clarke are going to pig out on some food so good day to you" the posh accent which come from Blake's voice automatically made me start to laugh and I just couldn't stop it was the worse but best accent I heard and even better coming from him.

Running along we laughed with each other and we both couldn't stop, but it felt good to have a good one and laugh with someone my age and not needing to worry if I'm going to get beaten or abused or even raped in my opinion.

Finally making it to the food court we both picked out a huge box of nachos to share, two root beers and an ice cream which I insisted since Blake said he had never really tried ice cream, and who hasn't it's the best substance known to man kind.

We sat there for ages eating.

" damm your really making love to that ice cream Clarke" I looked up at Blake and he smirked back at me and rolled up his leather jacket.

" mmmmmmmmmhhhhmmmm yes I am it is heaven" my eyes flutter and I tried to make it seem like I was having an orgasm and when I looked back up Blake had gone red and I knew then that I had affected I'm just by moaning and this made me feel even more accomplished and it distracted myself from the pain which had kicked in, i tried to ignore it whilst i spent time with him, but it slowly crept up on me.

The Beaten up nerd and the sucked in bad boy (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now