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~~Somehow it always finds me. Lurking in the dark, smiling at the progress I thought I had made and then it reminds me. That it will and always be there. I can't get rid of it. My past.


Taylor's POV

I pulled my hair back smiling cheekily at Jill as she sat down in front of me holding two Caramel Frappes. Her red hair was now black and she had it pulled up into a tight ponytail. Max was beside her his arms almost elbow-deep into the burger he had ordered. 

I had missed them so much. The texting wasn't enough for us at all. It was something about seeing them there in the flesh that made me feel warmed and loved. 

With Max's stale jokes and Jill bubbling energy, I had missed them. 

Jill leaned forward her voice breaking through the chattering that was around us, "I'm surprised their machine was working" she grinned and I laughed. 

"It's their Ice Cream machine that's always down" I took my Frappe from her and sipped on it. 

The caramel goodies flowing down my throat, yum. I almost loved this as much as yogurt.


"You know that PG doesn't allow us to drink those while we're performing right?" Paul asked and I frowned. Mason beside him had already drunk his first bottle of water and is now on his second. His duty to be healthy sickened me, really.

"Yeah, but I'm really craving this right now" I whined. " Plus, I'll only have one" I pouted and Paul grimaced. 

"I don't like pouts" 

"I know" I smiled triumphantly. Paul was definitely that guy that didn't do well with cute gestures. 

Pouts, hugging, dancing awkwardly -- nothing that resembles some form of cuteness he liked. 

"You better hurry up and slurp that down then" Max gestured to my Frappe. Sasha rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"Don't do that, you'll get a brain freeze" she glared at Max. "Are you trying to kill her?"

"What? Can brain freeze kill people?" he asked shocked and Sasha's face contorted into confusion. 

"I don't really know" she pulled out her phone and I knew for a fact that she was googling it. 

I had invited the dance squad for lunch after one of our gruesome practices. I wasn't expecting them to come. 

Okay, let me rephrase that-- I wasn't expecting all of them to come. 

Again, let me break that down. 

I wasn't expecting Eliza to come. 

She was sitting on the right side of Max picking at her fries like this was the most boring thing ever to do and we had dragged her frail body here by the hair and taped her to the chair.  She only --and I mean-- only spoke to Max and it was rude and annoying. I wanted to shout at her to go home, but I knew somehow it would cause something between Max and me. 

I wouldn't intentionally cause a rift between us.

Eliza and Max had this relationship thing going on and as much as it grosses me the f**k out,  I couldn't do anything about it but smile and wave. It was really killing me inside, though. 

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