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"It's funny how you've been counting how many pages ever since you've decided to start sending signals that you like me

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"It's funny how you've been counting how many pages ever since you've decided to start sending signals that you like me." Minji chuckled as she watched the boy write down 'LI' as a heading.

+a/n: see what i did there? heh

"It took you exactly 51 pages to notice my love for you." Jihoon gently closed the black A4 book and chucked it in to his bag. "Why aren't you writing what happened on the 51st page?" She curiously asked, tilting her head.

"Because writing it on paper would be hard, it's undescribable." Jihoon softly smiled at her.

It's only been 2 hours since they became official, their friends literally teased them non-stop, especially Park Woojin who had been teasingly smiling at Minji for ten minutes straight.

The two currently found themselves back at the garden, where Jihoon had confessed. It was lunch but all they wanted was a quiet time for the both of them.

Who knew that they actually have alot of likes in common despite Jihoon being an introvert and Minji the opposite?

"I saw Rae in the hallways today, she seemed pretty dull." Minji felt guilty for taking Jihoon away from her ⏤the main reason for her heart eyes⏤ , well it wasn't like Rae owned Jihoon in the first place so she had no reason to feel sorry.

But she still did.

"Don't worry about her, all that matters is that no one can do us apart. Not even death." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, squeezing their sides together.

"Right." Minji smiled and leaned her head on to his shoulder, it was comfortable ⏤like her bed.

"You guys are such a spoilsport! Share some sweetness here!" Nari called out from behind who has now pulled them apart and sat inbetween, she clutched Minji's arm, "My Minnie is growing up!"

Nari crinkled her nose and gently squeezed her arm while Jihoon just awkwardly scratched his nape. "Sorry bro, Nari dragged us here." Jinyoung stood next to Jihoon.

He chuckled while eyeing his girlfriend, "That's okay."

Jihoon nudged Jinyoung, making him glance down at the boy with curiosity in his eyes. "Nari." Jihoon quietly whispered to him. "What? What about her?" He looked over to his friend and back to Jihoon.

"Stop acting like you don't like her." Jihoon stood up and placed a hand on top of Jinyoung's shoulder. The boy suddenly became shy, "I-i don't know. Teach me your ways."

"Be yourself, that's the best option you could ever have." He simply shrugged and patted the boy's shoulder.

"Where's Daehwi?" Minji looked around the garden only to find no sign of her bestfriend, "Ah, he stayed in class to finish off a project. You know his usual doings." Nari chuckled.

She nodded.


"You seem extra smiley today." Jihoon's mother smiled at the boy who helped her set the plates on the dining table. "Yes, I actually have something to tell you guys later when we're eating." He chuckled and headed for the kitchen to get their cups.

"Good or bad news?" His mother asked from the dining room, "Waay better than good news and certainly not bad." Jihoon replied, three cups in his hands.

The boy gently placed their cups on top of the table and leaned forward on to one of the wooden chairs, "You two won't believe what just happened today."

Jihoon couldn't wipe the smile off his face even if he wanted to, the day was just too memorable to not share. "I sure will be looking forward to that." His dad replied from the living roo..

He chuckled and helped his mother bring the freshly cooked food on the table.

After the table was fully set, Jihoon and his parents sat on their chairs, ⏤delicious steaming food ahead of them⏤ "What was it you wanted to tell us?" Her mother started off before popping food inside her mouth.

"Well, Minji and I are official. I asked her out today!" He exclaimed.

Jihoon earned joyful smiles from his parents, "That's good, I still remember when you told us about your crush on her on your first day of highschool. We really didn't think it would be this big, your mother and I thought it was just one of those little crushes." Jihoon's father chuckled.

He remembered the first time he saw the girl of his dreams ⏤yes, it was love at first sight. as cliché as it sounds⏤ he exactly knew that Minji is the girl that has his heart, it's not a coincidence it's destiny.

He remembered when she first introduced herself in front of their homeroom class, her eyes nervously scanning around the room which happened to land on to his own eyes.

He still remembered how his heart skipped a beat, her stare made him furiously blush, it made him look down at the desk and break the contact.

And as he looked up, she was already finished introducing herself ⏤and back to her seat, which was next to Daehwi⏤

"What's got you smiling so wide today? Mind sharing it to us?" Minji's father asked while smiling, this caught her mother's attention too and decided to listen as well.

"Well, Jihoon finally asked me to be his girlfriend today! Of course, I said yes." She hopped off the last step of the stairs and joined her parents on the living room.

It was too hard not to hide her smile, especially when the person who has your heart just asked you to be their girlfriend.

+a/n: author cant rel8 lmao^

"Jihoon is a great boy. I like him already." Her mother nodded, her father agreed to her statement and nodded as well.

"Yeah, he's very nice. Too nice that I don't think I deserve him." Minji chuckled.


hey winkies !

how's the first chapter?

lmao ofc it's boring, theres no spice added to it yet lmao :) anyway i hope you all enjoyed the first chap.

also you guys made me smile on how hyped you guys are over this book. hehe it makes me kinda scared bc what if this isnt gr8 heh.

answers for the questions yall asked for changed person will be out very soon !!

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