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Daehwi let out a deep sigh, tears rolling down his cheeks

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Daehwi let out a deep sigh, tears rolling down his cheeks. "What have I done . . ? " He slowly wiped his tears, guilt washing over him.

He meant to, ⏤or better⏤ didn't want to drag Jihoon in to this. It was his anger that made his lose control on what he was saying. As childish as it sounds, he blames his anger.

I just wanted to let out my feelings, that's not wrong, right? I didn't mean to hurt her, I was just too caught up with the anger within me. He thought to himself.

He stayed there for the rest of break as this time he really needed time for himself now.

After the bell rang, Daehwi headed for his locker to drop and get some books he needed. It looks like luck wasn't with him as he bumped in to his group of friends while walking to his locker.

"Hey Daehwi! We missed you at lunch." Jinyoung pouted causing the other boy to slightly chuckle at his words.

"I was just. . having an alone time." Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes wandered to Minji who was staring down at the ground. Daehwi wanted to hug her, he wanted to apologize for saying such immature harsh words to her but he couldn't bring himself to.

Not when he had done something like that to his bestfriend. He was ashamed of himself.

Now that they were all together, Jihoon took the opportunity to ask if they could hang afterschool. This would be a great way to resolve Minji and Daehwi's possible arguement aswell.

"I'll pass for now." Daehwi kindly declined his offer, his nose scrunched a little as an awkward smile formed upon his lips.

"Oh, oka-" "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have fun." And with that he left his friends to go to his locker, he didn't dare look back.

Minji shook her head at the boy and ran her fingers through her hair, "I guess it's just us four." Jihoon shrugged, eyeing Daehwi's back

The two were oblivious to the whole thing but it was better that way.


Minji tried. She tried concealing it, she tried keeping it to herself but it bothered her so much. So much that she wanted to tell someone about it.

That's what I need to do right? Tell someone about my problems. But I don't want them to get involved- this isn't helping. She thought to herself.

She didn't want to lose their friendship, they've been through so much together and it's too painful to watch their friendship go down the drain just like that.

"Hey, you okay?" The girl snapped back to reality as Jihoon tapped her shoulder lightly, making her flinch for a second. "Y-yeah." She quickly nodded before sipping her iced bevarage.

"Nari, do you want anything to eat? You barely ate at break." Jinyoung asked, Jihoon and Minji's attention diverting to the two across them, the girl blushed at the sudden question.

"It's okay, I wouldn't want you to waste your money on me." She dryly chuckled, trying to lighten up the somewhat awkward mood between her and Baejin. "Are you sure? I mean, it's okay if it's for you." He chuckled.

Minji snorted at his sentence causing Jihoon to slightly laugh at Jinyoung's cheesyness too, "Did we used to be like that?" She whispered.

"Unfortunately, yes and we still are." Jihoon laughed, scrunching his nose and lacing his hands with hers.

"Since you insist. I'd gladly take the offer," Before Nari could tell him what she wanted, Jinyoung already stood up, ⏤heading to the counter⏤ she was taken back by his action.

"Okay then . . ." She slightly chuckled.

"So, since when?" Minji raised a brow at the girl before her, "I don't know," Nari shrugged, she didn't really know when her feelings actually started for Jinyoung but she knew for sure that it was way before Minji liked Jihoon.

"I don't want to rush him in to things. Not to be Ms.Know-it-all or whatever but I feel like the feeling is mutual." Once again, she shrugged.

She's been feeling his signals, it was all too noticeable. How can one not notice when a boy is interested in them? Or are they scared that they're getting the wrong idea?

What ever it is, life is much more fun when you risk it, and thus, that's what Nari is planning to do.

Before Jihoon could expose Jinyoung, the boy came back with a neatly sliced red velvet cake on a plate. He was a bit suspicious of the awkward silence between the three but let it pass nonetheless.

"Your favourite." He smiled while setting the white plate just before Nari, the girl smiled, "Thanks Jinyoung. You're the best."


"Bye! See you two at school tomorrow!" Nari and Jinyoung waved at the two and so did they.

The two turned to head to Minji's house, of course Jihoon being the kind boyfriend he is, walking her home. "So . . ." Minji started off.

She wanted to use this opportunity to open up about her and Daehwi's friendship status right now, she atleast needed someone by her side.

Jihoon hummed, turning his head to look at his girlfriend's side profile.

"Daehwi and I, we kinda had an argument at break. You know how stubborn he could get, his harsh words were just really suprising but I let him be. I mean, he said something about being left behind?" She sighed.

He wasn't going to lie, as soon as he heard the word 'harsh' his blood started to get hot but he needed to control himself.

"I just need to sort this out with him but his stubborn self is eating him up! I don't know what to do." Minji shrugged, letting out a much more stressed sigh.

Jihoon didn't like seeing his girlfriend act this way, "I was there. I mean, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. I was worried on why you just left so suddenly so I had to follow you."

Minji's eyes widened, he heard those words Daehwi had said? She didn't want Jihoon worrying about the things he said to her.

"Just for a bit, just like you said the last thing I heard that he said was about not wanting to be left behind." He shrugged.

"Maybe you should try again tomorrow, just let him be for today, it will help him sort himself out. Just try to be as calm as you can when you two are talking, that can possibly avoid arguing. I'm here for you, Bub." Jihoon patted her head and pulled her close to his side.


another boring chapter but hey! an update lmao :)

last update for the week ig since i still havent finished chapter 6 ; )

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