Chapter 2

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'Hyung, you need to check my Korean.' Hansol passed the five-page report to Wonwoo who was leaning against the wire fence of the basketball court. Leave it to Hansol for great timing.

'Really? Now?'

'Naah, later. But soon please.' the younger alpha pleaded, sitting beside his tutor who took it anyway and put it inside his bag. 'Thanks! I'll buy you a drink!' He exclaimed and ran towards his bicycle, not forgetting to lose his footing and stumble forward a bit, per usual. Wonwoo shook his head lightly. He could just send him an email later instead of the hard copy. Really, that boy...

'Hansol-ah! Pocari for me!' Seungcheol screamed seeing where the youngest was heading.

'SOJ-' Minghao was on the head by Jun. 'What? I was just kidding!'

'Eyes on the ball.' The latter replied before stealing it and doing a slam dunk. 'Yes!! Yaah, Wonwoo! I need a teammate!'

'Don't look at me.'

'Yaah emo face! I said I need a teammate!'

'COMING! Jeez!' He ran towards his bestfriend and pushed him. In turn, the other headlocked him lightly before both taking their position.


Mingyu reread the message he got from his mother again. And again. And again. As if the content would change the more he read it.

The initial plan was to be back in about three weeks, but apparently the registration to his new university required his presence earlier than planned.

'What the hell!!!!' He screamed to nobody. Granted, he should have confirmed about the registration himself instead of leaving it up to his parents but they offered and he trusted them. And because of that trust, he already made plans to travel with his friends around Europe for the last time in maybe years to come! Who would have thought his mom could make a small mistake like the fact that his presence was a requirement?! If he could throw away his phone right now he would.

Eomma! You're kidding right? I was planning to go Italy!

Mingyu-yah! Eomma's sorry... I never made a mistake like this. Must be my age... - Her Majesty

Aah... the age card. Mingyu hated when the lady use that excuse. It makes him feel like he was a bad son. And he was not. Eventhough they aren't related by blood, that old omega lady, his step-mom,  is his only weakness, besides his grandmother that is.

Can't I stay longer? I only need to be there a day earlier right? :(

Your grandma wants to have dinner with you. - Her Majesty

But we can still have dinner that night right? :((

Or after the registration?

You want to tell you grandma that yourself? -Her Majesty

Mingyu cringed at the thought of that. Worst case scenario, the old lady will pretend to be bedridden or fake some illness to be hospitalized. Then Mingyu will have to pretend to take care of her until she is satisfied. He knew every trick in the book yet he couldn't do anything about it. Sighing, he accepted his fate.

It only meant he needed to party around as much as possible in the next two weeks.


'So, you need also consider wind direction and strength of a particular area,' he paused, 'And also ake note of the strongest wind in record.... to calculate the strength of a building? What's that gotta do with designing a small building?' Hansol asked softly, circling the passage he just read. Wonwoo took the textbook from him and read a few lines before, in case any simple explanation was already written that the half-korean missed. Apparently not, so he just have to do it himself.

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