Chapter 13

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After much begging and persuasion, Mingyu finally got some information on Jeon Wonwoo. Hansol was really tougher than he thought. After finding about his new weakness that was the annoying Boo Seungkwan, Mingyu had the idea to exchange information. But still, Hansol seemed to be really protective over his hyung, much to Mingyu's displeasure, and he seemed to be holding some important details.

But any information on the guy was important so he decided to let it go. Right now he knew that Wonwoo loves to read, and is most likely found in libraries at the novel section, or in his cubicle which Hansol refused to tell where. And that there were two people he should watch out for – Seungcheol, the main alpha who would most likely confront him if he messes with any of them, and Jun, the silent guy who would apparently just go ahead and beat him lifeless if he dare to mess with Wonwoo. And the latter seemed more dangerous, despite him being only a beta.

Although he already did not like the beta, the one thing that he really hate about that Jun guy was the fact that he dated Wonwoo back in middle school, and they were still as close even now. Despite being exes. And the fact that Hansol told him to not mind them acting weird together because they tend to be the only ones who get each other's jokes.

On the other hand, Hansol also told him they were going hiking with the club in a few weeks. So that means, if he could only join that specific club and somehow manage to register for the trip before the deadline, he could be spending the three-day holiday with Jeon Wonwoo. And Jun. And the other members. And bugs, and other little crawly animals.

But Wonwoo would be there so it would still be worth it.


Wonwoo peeked at his vibrating phone to see a message coming from none other than Hansol. The young alpha asked to meet him in front of the literature building where he apparently found some benches. Wonwoo wondered where that actually was because the only benches here was everywhere but in front.

After a whole lot of describing, he finally met the man, still oblivious of his surroundings with his big headphones. 'Yah, Hansol. Why're you here?'

'Wonu-hyung! Let's go to the basketball court.'

'O..kay then. That was random but lemme just put my stuff back at the dorm.' Nothing was ever predictable with this boy, and after not spending time with him for months, Wonwoo couldn't help but to ponder upon how he managed to stand the boy's hyperactive antics. Like right now, when he wanted to follow Wonwoo inside the omega dorm, and the next moment when he had his big disappointed face after seeing the empty omega basketball court that he insisted on going to.

'We're here. Are you gonna tell me what's up?' He gave the younger a look, half scaring him. Something was definitely weird. 'Tell me or I'll hit you.'

'No! Okay. I thought my Boo was here and turns out he's not.'

'Your boo?'

'Seungkwan. The omega?' He gave Wonwoo the eyes, as if everyone should know the omega called Seungkwan. Not satisfied with that answer, Wonwoo crossed his arms. 'The blond? With the orangey scent and hot ass?'

'Okay, now be less specific.'

'We played together last match?'

'Aahhh... the medic team's player! Yahh!' He hit the back of Hansol's head lightly. 'You dragged me out here to play cupid?? And Boo Seungkwan should be in their court, not here!'

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