Chapter 36

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The strong smell of coffee awoken the alpha who habitually turned to his side for a kiss. Feeling no warmth, Mingyu opened his eyes and groaned. It was already morning.

Wait, it was already morning! Fuck, he didn't hear the alarm!

Swinging his body back to his left, Mingyu grabbed the brown alarm clock and narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on the numbers. It was still 5:30 am. Lying back down, he stared at the ceiling, already too tired to get up.

These past few months he could do nothing on weekdays. Waking up early in the morning, he would go to the hospital for training until late at night, come back home too tired, sleep and repeat the whole process. Sometimes when he was drained out of energy, he would end up sleeping at the dorm, no energy and focus to drive back but he would make sure to return home whenever he could. The same goes to his mate - Wonwoo too had been busy with his final year project and would spend some nights at the studio. And with him still trying to find a job, Mingyu barely got to spend any time with him. Which was all the more reason why he tried to come back to the apartment, so they could at least sleep and have breakfast together.

Mingyu tried to close his eyes but the fresh coffee was too tempting. Usually, he would be the one to prepare the coffee and breakfast since he needed to be at the hospital early. Only about half an hour after he wakes up and done cooking would Wonwoo open his eyes so they can have breakfast together. And judging from the clinking sound, he was sure Wonwoo was making something right now. This was rare.

Getting up, he washed his face and headed towards the counter. 'Hey.' He stared at the omega who was making sunny-side up and simple sausage, one of the few dishes Mingyu taught him to do. Not that it was hard to make, Mingyu just like it to be perfect. Getting beside the man, he kissed the back of the male's head and took his mug before heading back to his seat. 'You're up early.'

'Bad hangover.' Mingyu smiled at that. Wonwoo is the type who couldn't get drunk but he would still have a bad hangover. Just two glasses and he would start vomiting before he then sleeps. 'That's a complicated food for a hangover.' He commented.

'I dunno how to make soup. We're out of cereal.' He laughed at that. They didn't have any instant food here, Mingyu didn't like it. But even so, scrambled eggs was easier than sunny side. He was about to comment before Wonwoo put the food on his plate, placing it in front of Mingyu, and then, took out another bowl filled with scrambled eggs.

He simpered. Wonwoo made this for him. Waiting for his mate to sit beside him, Mingyu slurped on the coffee, stretching his body. This was not enough recharge.

'Wonie,' He stood up while looking at the omega beside him. He kept his stare until Wonwoo had enough and glowered at him. 'The hell you want?'

'Urgh.' Wonwoo scowled at the sudden tight hug from the giant who was shaking him, vibrating his throbbing brain. God he felt like puking right now. 'Yah, stupid! Stop!'

Laughing at the reaction, Mingyu placed another kiss and sat back to continue his breakfast, enjoying the pissed face beside him. Although they were both really busy with their studies, he never felt happier with their relationship. He thought having to handle Wonwoo's trauma would soon affect him negatively but the man had been making a lot of progress and hence, had started to show more of his true colours. He also had less reason to confront the omega because they talk about their feelings more so they knew what the other's problems were. Which was why he was okay with pissing Wonwoo off once in a while, because he knew the man wouldn't hold it in.

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