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'Dr. Mingyu, the patient's inside.' Mingyu nodded at the nurse, pouting to her as she patted his back, trying to hold her laughter. He lost a bet with one of his colleagues so he had to handle this one particular patient who apparently, had a huge crush on him and had been bothering the staffs for his information. He was lucky she wasn't his department's patient, but today, she was his patient. Because of the stupid bet he made with one Lee Seokmin.

'She's touchy.' The omega nurse warned and Mingyu just wanted to run away if not for Seokmin and his other colleagues waiting outside with huge grins on their stupid faces. He held on to the nurse, begging her to go in with him but was rejected. Sighing, he put on his professional face, preparing himself mentally for the torture to come.

In the past few years, he finally made peace with the omegas; all thanks to the very professional omegas working alongside him, caring for his well-being just like they do with others. It was the first time he actually developed real, healthy relationships with them other than sexual ones. He realized the reason why it was hard for him to accept them before was because that was how he had always seen them - as sexual partners, or potential mates. Never once had he seen them as friends, or family, besides his real ones that is. And weirdly enough, Seungkwan was an exception. This unhealthy way of thinking made him doubt each and every one of those approaching him as having ill intentions - wanting his money or status, especially after the incident because, why else?

Only after accepting this fact did he started to notice that for one omega who was desperate for his attention, there were tens who would only admire him from afar, or didn't show interest at all, just like how alphas or betas would react to attractive people in general. Omegas are just like them. Exactly like them. He just happened to be the attractive ones.

Beside, his desperation for one particularly attractive omega in the past was somehow very similar to those omegas' for him. Which kind of made him ashamed of his flirting skills.

Mingyu sat behind the desk, pretending to be busy on the computer typing whatever while hearing the patient excitedly telling him redundant trivia about herself. He couldn't wait for the result of his examinations to be announced so he could ditch this kind of jobs and start his training to become a neurological surgeon. Thanks to luck, and his superior skills and focus, in just a few years, he was quickly acknowledged as a genius and was granted the very rare opportunity to be trained as a surgeon this early in his career. He just needed a pass as a formality. Then he would be a step closer to achieving his dream.

A step closer to working as a specialist.

A step closer to working any hospital he likes.

A step closer to working in any country he likes.


Mingyu sat on the chair of his new apartment as he turned on some good Standing Egg songs to de-stress. The sky was already dark as usual, it had always been that way ever since he graduated. He rarely got back home when the sun is still up. The same nightscape greeted him who turned his back to pay attention to the new novel he just bought last weekend.

He was glad his grandmother still supported him by buying him a new, better apartment after he finished medical school because his current earnings could only afford him a small one. He wondered how much money his family had that they wouldn't mind spending it on him, considering his extreme spending habits when he was younger. Although, he would never mentioned it but Mingyu secretly knew where he got it from - the old lady herself. Heck, she even bought new furniture for the apartment despite him having the ones in his old one because they 'suit' the place better. Even his kitchenware and cutlery were brand new! That was evidence enough of her bad expenditure.

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