Chapter 26

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'Tsk.' Mingyu threw his phone on the bed and crashed his body down. Wonwoo was acting up again during the break and wouldn't answer his call nor reply to his messages. There was really no use of them exchanging phone numbers in the first place when all Wonwoo did was replying his messages for the first week they were apart, then ignored him the rest of the summer.

He had to admit, the omega had a knack of leaving him hanging.

And he was not even mad. Not anymore. He was, at first, then it just turn into longing.

Now he was back to being a desperate puppy.

No, he was not mad. He was frustrated. He got so desperate he checked his phone every other minute that he couldn't focus on doing anything last month. It got worse when he saw other couples out there; he became sexually frustrated because he couldn't touch Wonwoo nor hear his voice. Then he started to wake up with a hard-on every morning.

He was back to the first time he met Wonwoo at the lake. How the hell did he went backward? He really had no idea.

Mingyu got up and took out the matching band shirts he got from a friend. Wonwoo told him about his favourite artist back at his apartment whom Mingyu also happened to like, and as one of his attempts to get the pale guy to pay attention to him was spamming him with the shirts he bought with no success. Sighing, he placed the shirts back into his bag and took out the matching sunglasses he got just because. No, he was not one of the cheesy guys who likes to wear matching outfits with their significant other. Hell no. He just had so much free time he went on a shopping spree. And buying stuff for other people was way more fun than buying things for himself. Fortunately his grandmother found about it early or Mingyu would have gone crazy and bought them airplane tickets to Greece.

Wonwoo drives him crazy. He was damn good at it.

Don't come near Wonwoo again.

'ARGHH!' Mingyu threw his shirts on the floor before he got worked up enough to tear them apart. Seriously. Somehow he couldn't help but to think that the reason why Wonwoo would ignore him was because of his friends. The pack was just too influential over his life they were becoming a burden. If Mingyu could just pull Wonwoo away from them and keep him in his pocket, that would be really great.

Getting up to shower and cool his head off, he heard a knock on his door. Definitely not Seokmin because the man never knocks. Reluctant to open it, Mingyu dragged his feet as the knock got louder and angrier. 'Kim Mingyu. I know you're inside. Yah.'

The fuck? That was Jun's voice. The guy sounded really angry and Mingyu just didn't want to deal with his shit right now. He really didn't want to see any of the omega's friends before the man himself, because right now, they were the guys who were keeping Wonwoo away from him and that really pissed him off. He already got warnings from two, he didn't need another one. Heck, he was already keeping his distance as told, albeit only because he couldn't get in touch with the other.

'Yah. Open up before I kick the damn door open.' Tsk. Rude shit. Just like the rest of his friends. But then again, birds of a feather flock together. Not wanting to make a scene, Mingyu decided to give the man what he wanted. 'What the hell yo-'


Mingyu moved his jaw around, trying to fix it back after the powerful punch. 'The fuck?' Jun gripped hard on his collar and pushed him inside the room, crashing him towards the wall, knocking a few books down from the shelf. Provoked and already irritated enough, Mingyu knuckled the beta's left cheeks, forcing him back a few steps as blood flowed down his nose and broken lips. He wanted to continue so fucking badly but he knew the guy wouldn't be able to take it. He didn't want to send someone to the hospital, especially not one of Wonwoo's friends, no matter how much he hated them. 'What the hell you want?!' He asked between hard breaths.

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