Chapter 1

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Wonwoo stared at his computer screen again. His blueprint was completed but there was still something missing. Every lines were there, every circle accurate, every length written down, but something felt wrong. He looked back down at his project. The old building near his hometown which used to be a fortress, turned storage, turned hotel. He got the interior from the owner, but the original was gone. Of course he could just redraw the ones he got but that was not how Wonwoo do things. He takes it one step further and searched for the history of the building, imagining the original design, taking notes of the renewal process, and draw what still remains. That is how he do things. And that was what earned him his scholarship and his lecturer's support and love.

He felt something cold near his left cheeks and grabbed it, putting it near his mouth. Eyes still glued to the screen, he took a sip and put it down.

'Hey, it's late.' He heard his friend calling him in a hoarse voice. Wonwoo only replied with a quiet yeah. He was tired, but he just couldn't take his mind of this just yet.

'Wonu, you still have two weeks. Come and sleep.' His friend coerced.

'I won't be able to wake up if I sleep now...'

'I'll wake you up.' Jun stated softly and patted the space beside him. Wonwoo rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. He made his way to the toilet to wash his face and positioned himself beside Jun, facing himself towards the wall. He felt the Chinese man's hand on his waist but paid no attention. It wasn't their first time sleeping together anyways. They had always been together ever since they were 10 years old. And eleven years later, eventhough they had different rooms, they would sometimes sleep in each other's bed, out of habit. Sighing, he closed his eyes, focusing on the heart beat behind him which lullabied him to sleep.

Feeling a gentle rub on his face, Wonwoo opened his eyes to the scorching summer sun. He squinted his eyes to look at the clock. 45 minutes to his first class. He was hoping for more so he could get another five minutes of sleep.

'Yaah, you won't be able to wake up like that.'

'Shut up.'

'Get up or I'll carry you to the bathroom'

'pffft...' And he felt himself being lifted. 'YAAAAH!'

'Get up.' Jun let him down and walked himself towards the door. 'Coups wants to grab lunch together. You free?'

'Dunno yet. I'll get to you later aight?' He replied casually while trying to brush his teeth. He heard the door closed and continued to wash his face. He decided to take a shower because it was really hot and he was sure he sweated in his sleep.

Taking a sip from his bottled water, he noticed a post-it on one of his reference book. Opening the page, he realized what was missing from his blueprint. An entry from the diary of a merchant detailing the renovation done on the building 60 years ago. As expected from Jun, always remembering the small details whenever it involves history. He made a mental note to buy his best friend a beer later. Scratch that, the man loves soju.

Dressing up in a simple polo shirt and shorts, he grabbed his backpack and took his bike to his department for his morning lecture. A few more weeks and he'll be done with morning classes and can finally spend his days sleeping in. Just a few more torturous weeks and it's summer holidays!

'Wonu-hyung! Here!' Hansol signaled him to the seat next to him. Wonwoo grabbed the seat and took out his laptop while his junior was already preparing to sleep.

'You done your report?'

'Unhh... Just one more paragraph...' Hansol mumbled, already drifting away. Not a minute later, he was awoken by Wonwoo when the lecturer came in. Apparently not many student came for the lecture today, god knows why. It would be too obvious if anybody decided to sleep during lecture. And that would be suicidal, not in Prof. Kim's class.

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