Chapter 12

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'Wonwoo, the office told me to remind you to register your heat.' Jeonghan uttered as he opened the door slightly. Wonwoo sat up from the bed, putting his novel away. 'You really need to answer their call.'

Wonwoo nodded lazily. He actually blocked the number, ever since they kept on bugging him to see the school's therapist and counsellor. After that night, the police had to notify the university for their investigation which was why Wonwoo was allowed to take a sick leave for half a year without any additional fees and problems. They also provided him with free health care, which he really appreciated, academy responsibility and what not. The only downside was that they also want him to take care of his mental health which consist of him going for monthly check-ups. He was already fine yet they insisted for their own omega therapist to make that judgement, which annoyed Wonwoo.

'I haven't gotten mine yet...' He notice the surprised face, 'You seem surprise...'

'No... it's just... It's already been more than 6 months since then.' Wonwoo frowned. Yes, a few months have passed since that night. He stared at the older man, trying to figure out where this conversation was going. 'Most omegas got theirs in their first three months so... I think it's probably best to have a check-up.'

He realized the other was being cautious, as if he was trying not to pry that much, giving suggestion only lightly. He nodded weakly and gave the man a smile before returning to his book. He heard the door closed and stared at the ceiling. To be honest, Wonwoo was actually secretly relieved at not getting his heat just yet. In fact, he would love to not have it at all. If the attack caused him to not be able to bear children, then he would actually be thankful to his mate and attackers for messing his body that bad. Because now, the only difference between him and a beta was his scent. And he can hide that too, unlike other omegas.

This was perfect.

He suddenly got a crazy idea. If it was true that he will never get his heat, and he wish he wouldn't, then the bond will only be like a protector against other alphas from approaching. Maybe, if he can find his attacker, lock him up, and visit him once a month, just enough to 'renew' the bond, he will get his sweet revenge. The alpha won't be able to mate, and he will have his security against other alphas, and can live like any normal betas without any problems.

Wonwoo laughed just thinking about it. That really seems like a good idea. Except that it will never happen. He will never try to find the bastard. He will never even return to that damned place. If his attacker gets caught by the authority while the bond is still not broken, then maybe, he will consider doing that.


Wonwoo made sure to wear a turtleneck and checked himself in the mirror a few more times. He kept on pacing back and forth, arranging his hair so he wouldn't stand out, and rearranging it again so he would not look like a mess.

Jeonghan had been calling him, urging him to hurry up but he could not find it in himself to calm down. He would be with so many alphas in the same place, in a closed hall with only a few doors. He wouldn't be able to run away if anything...

'You okay? The game's starting in 30 minutes.'

His heart skipped a bit at the sudden voice. Jeonghan was finally peeking into his room. 'Yes. Let's go.'

'You're sweating so much. You need anything?'

Wonwoo tried to rearrange his breathing. This sucks. He was holding Jeonghan here. Maybe he should just stay in his room today. He will ask the other about the result later.

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