Chapter 14

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Mingyu stared at the scene displayed in front of him. Wonwoo asleep two rows front, head against the window and beside him, Jun slowly bringing his head onto his right shoulder. This was annoying him so much he just wanted to pull Jun away from the seat. Wonwoo was comfortably sleeping, how dare that Chinese dude touch him like that. Wonwoo probably didn't want to sleep on his shoulder either.

He suddenly felt a weight on his own and looked to see the guy beside him sleeping too. In fact, almost everyone was sleeping in the bus. Which was expected given they had to take the bus at 4 a.m. Mingyu grumbled and tried to close his own eyes, shifting frequently to fine a good position to sleep. If not for those two being late causing Mingyu to sit at the very back to spy on them, he would have chosen the seat at the aisle so he can stretch his legs. This was very annoying.

'We're going to stop here for about half an hour. There won't be another stop until we arrive so you should probably have your breakfast now.' the club leader announced once they reached a rest stop and everyone got up, rubbing their eyes while walking out the bus. Jun waited for a while before gently waking Wonwoo who had his earphones on but the man refused to abide and continued sleeping, hiding his face from the light. 'Fine, sleep. I'll buy you something to eat.'

Mingyu stood up on cue and ran out of the bus. He knew what that meant. No Jun and the others for at least fifteen minutes so this was his chance. To feed Jeon Wonwoo, and change his seat.

Arriving at the convenient store, he grabbed some bread, some rice balls, some fried food, juices, coffee, and milk. Because Wonwoo needs fat. He almost jumped with excitement when he saw Jun still waiting for his food with the others. Looking at his watch, he ran back as fast as he could.

Wonwoo was still sleeping. His face was a bit distorted, maybe from the light. Mingyu wanted to just look at that beautiful face but that would not do because the man really need to eat. At the same time, Mingyu was also reluctant to be the one who wakes him up.

'Huh? What?' Wonwoo jolted up when he felt something thrown onto his lap. It was a plastic bag filled with breads and other food. 'What? Ju- Mingyu-sshi? What's this?'

'Food. And drinks.' He shoved another plastic bag at the confused man and took a seat right beside him.

'This is a lot. I'm not that hungry.'

'For later then.'

'Urmm... Did Jun ask-'

'Just eat the food. Here. You like hot dogs?' Mingyu shoved a piece towards Wonwoo and smiled as the man opened his mouth. Just then, he realized how erotic that looked and turned towards the plastic to grab some other things inside. 'Milk? Coffee?'

'What else is there?' Wonwoo tried to peek but Mingyu already took out the milk and shove it into his hand. 'Wait, this is too sudden. Let's eat slowly.'

'Owh. Okay. You want rice?' He already passed him the rice ball before the other could refuse.

'Stop shoving food at me! I'm still eating!'

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