Chapter 32

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'Is this really your favourite food here?' Mingyu stared at the greasy crab stick they just bought from the stall with big '#1' signs written all over. He wondered why anybody would line up to buy this junk which didn't even look appetizing to begin with. Looking back at his omega who seemed to ignore him while enjoying his own with a blissful look, Mingyu took a bite.

Nope. Meh. Number 1 his ass.

He didn't know what had gotten into Wonwoo, but the older had been in a good mood ever since they got out of Seoul. Right now, Wonwoo was screaming along with the songs playing in the radio, annoying Mingyu once in a while by changing the lyrics to insult him. Nothing too severe, just the occasional 'Mingyu is an idiot' and 'Mingyu got no jams'. God knows what the second one meant. He wanted to do the same to the omega but unfortunately, he didn't know enough Korean songs playing on the radio to do so. Mingyu prefers English songs over his native ones since he grew up with it. The only Korean songs he knew were the old ones from his parents' collection, which he doubt will be playing unless they tune to the oldies. So now, Mingyu just accepted the playful joke his partner was doing to him. At least it kept Wonwoo entertained, and that was enough to make him feel good as well.

'Yah. Aren't you going to stop?' He pretended to be annoyed as Wonwoo kept headbanging along the rock song while repeating some stupid words over and over, just like the lyrics. Except, Wonwoo was screaming 'slave'. Sometime Mingyu wondered whether his mate was actually a sadist.

'Aren't you suppose to love me? Aigoo, is the bond broken?' Mingyu turned towards the man and tried to look at the scar from their bonding before feeling his head being pushed away. Pouting, Mingyu clicked his tongue while turning his attention back towards the road. He heard Wonwoo laughing beside him and smiled to himself.

Wonwoo had his nose scrunched.


'Let's stop somewhere first...' Mingyu suggested as they finally reached Wonwoo's hometown. The latter had calmed down since he first noticed the places he grew up in, and started to point it out to his mate. And a few minutes before, Wonwoo suddenly suggested they take a detour so he could guide Mingyu around town. Not failing to notice the change in his tone, Mingyu realized that Wonwoo was anxious, just like him, and he kept dragging the time outside as a result. Unfortunately, they would have to go back sooner or later, and Mingyu prefers soon.

Parking the car near a shopping street, Mingyu pulled his mate towards the nearest restaurant. They weren't going to eat anything, they just needed to relax and there were just no cafes in sight. Ordering their drinks, both the males sat down silently, each with his own thoughts.

Wonwoo told Mingyu the reason why he wanted the alpha to come back with him, and it was not because he wanted to officially introduce Mingyu as his mate. It was because his bond was still not broken and he couldn't face his parents alone. Though Mingyu was disappointed to learn about that, he realized that he was partially at fault. First, for bonding with Wonwoo, and second, for keeping the bond in tact. Twice. Even though he didn't do it on purpose.

He was scared, owh he was. But he knew Wonwoo was even more nervous than he was. He knew how much Wonwoo loves his parents, and how weak he gets in front of them. When Wonwoo told him that Jun had to be the one who spilled what happened that night in his place, Mingyu realized how much this visit meant for him. Which was why he couldn't refuse it despite his own fear.

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