Chapter 18

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Mingyu laid on the ground of the rooftop where he had chosen to be his secret place to be alone. He really needed some place where he can get fresh air to let himself free without controlling his pheromones so he can relax and calm down. What happened recently was really stressing him up and it was really hard for him to focus on his lectures. Thank god most of the exams are over. He only need to sit for one more and submit one report before the term ends.

He closed his eyes and almost fell asleep before realizing a strong scent getting closer. Ignoring it to focus on meditating, he heard the door slammed open and looked over. It was Wonwoo. Almost immediately, every single thing that happened came flooding in, and Mingyu found himself holding back his anger. 'Wonwoo? What the fuck are you doing here?'

'Mingyu...' He replied weakly and Mingyu rolled his eyes, getting up to leave. He didn't want to be in the same place as the proud beta. To think that he had been chasing the guy made him feel pathetic.

'Mingyu... I don't feel good...' Wonwoo spoke between breath. He was really heating up and feeling very light-headed. Grabbing the nearest wall, he slowly sat down and leaned against it, letting his legs rest. Mingyu was about to pass by him but slowed his pace before stopping completely. The strong scent he sensed a few minutes ago was definitely coming from Wonwoo...

Putting two and two together, he realized what he thought was impossible. Jeon Wonwoo, is an omega, and Mingyu is addicted to his scent.

The alpha just stared, wide-eyed at the man who was not moving anymore. Suddenly a lot of questions popped up. 'Jeon Wonwoo...' he tried. This was all really sudden. 'Yah Jeon Wonwoo!' He called again, afraid to close their distance. This much pheromones released could only mean one thing and he did not plan on getting tangled in this mess. Not after what happened between them.

Not caring to wait for a response anymore, he proceeded to ask his question, 'A-are you an o-omega?'

He needed to hear it from the man himself because this was really hard to digest, and he hoped he was wrong. All his senses might have gone haywire due to extreme stress. Yes, that could be it.

Wonwoo did not seemed pleased with the question but his expression confirmed the alpha's suspicion. That really bothered him because the former did not had any scent on him before this day. And yet, here he was, releasing them generously, enough to entice Mingyu.

Mingyu scratched his neck in annoyance with the lack of answer. What was he expecting? This was Wonwoo, the man with few words. Of course he wouldn't say anything. Mingyu decided to ignore him. The man made it clear about not wanting to be in his presence, and Mingyu was no longer the persistent, desperate puppy he once was. He already made his choice so Mingyu had no business with him. He started to walk away, down the staircase.


What was he doing there anyway? He seemed comfortable enough to stay there so did that mean... Was Wonwoo nesting there? Out there in the open? Where other alphas can freely grab him and do anything they want to him? Mingyu looked back up the stairs, he couldn't see Wonwoo but the scent was strong enough to be noticed even from where he was. The thing was, judging from his appearance and self control, he was obviously on his first day but this strong scent would usually by emitted during the peak of the heat. What in the world was happening?

'Tsk. Whatever.' He continued his step downwards. He stopped again, not feeling that great about leaving a weak omega in the open. If anything were to happen, he would be partially responsible. No matter how much he hates Korean omegas, they would still be the one who would carry his future child since his parents wouldn't let him marry foreigners. And he knows really well how stupid omegas in heat will act - his first sexual experience was with a young omega in heat, wandering outside, clearly out of it, begging him for release. And being a young teenager raging with hormones, he acted without thinking. But he is no longer a careless teenager, he is now an adult with self control and sense of responsibility, who knows better than to let an intoxicated omega get himself in trouble. 'Jesus. Hurh.' He got back up again.

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