Chapter 30 [M]

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The slight bump irritated the alpha who kept on pulling his omega's head closer to his neck, trying to hide him from the rest of the passengers. Wonwoo was already an hour into his heat, his strong pheromones calling out to Mingyu, his desperation clearly shown as he tried to muffle his moans by clinging onto the younger one.

Anxiously tapping his legs, Mingyu kept on looking at the monitor for their stop, trying hard to ignore the others who kept stealing glances towards both of them. Had he been alone, he would've already made a scene but he kept his cool for the man in his embrace. Ten dreadful minutes later, they finally arrived in front of one of the welfare centers in their campus. He could tell the bus driver tried his best to reach here faster, Mingyu didn't forget to give him a sincere nod.

'Wonie, we're almost there.' he kissed the omega's forehead, hoping it would help him relax. Wonwoo's heat was hurting him, Mingyu could see all the veins on his clenched fists, his neck, even his forehead. Hugging the man tightly, he made his way to the registration counter, not giving any mind to the surrounding. Before he could say a word, the lady at the counter held out her hand, 'I'll just need one of your student IDs.'

She knew. She had a concerned face while she was working the registration. Few clicks later, a key card was passed towards the alpha, 'Protection's inside the drawers. Other needs can be bought from the vending machine. Manual's on the table.' She made sure to tell him before letting go of the card, to which Mingyu replied with a swift smile. 'Second floor!'

Pulling the omega inside and closing the door behind, Mingyu wasted no time in pulling their coats off, undressing Wonwoo from the peach sweater as quickly as he could. The soft, white skin glistening with droplets of sweat, Mingyu would never get enough of that view. It turned him on so badly he started to breath heavily to stop himself from jumping on Wonwoo. He could, but he didn't want to.

Wonwoo got thinner from the last time they were together, his collar bones were protruding. It was concerning. It made him sad. It made him angry.

'Mingyu.' The alpha, glancing up in response to his name being called, was greeted by the deepest kiss he ever had from the omega. Fuck conscience. Wonwoo wanted this as much as he did. If he wants to hate him after this, he would gladly accept the beating. But right now, they both, wanted this.

Sucking on the shoulder, Mingyu continued his way to the collarbone before he was pushed back. Wonwoo was trying to undress him as well but his hands were clumsy and too shaky to even pull it above the man's head.

Taking his own sweater off, Mingyu proceeded on unbuckling his belt. Wonwoo didn't appreciate the distance as he pulled Mingyu closer and traced his jaw with his tongue, not even trying to hide his desire as his hands rubbed the alpha's biceps. The man really know how to turn him on...

Mingyu pulled that tiny waist close and carried Wonwoo towards the bed, throwing him forcefully. Positioning the omega beneath him, he locked those delicate wrists on each side, not entertaining even the slightest attempt of domination. 'nnhH...AAhH!'

That sweet voice, that high note coming from Wonwoo. That captivating voice calling out the beast inside him. Shit. He didn't want to hurt Wonwoo. He needed to control himself. '-gyu! Ahhkk!'

'Shut up...' He hissed, clashing their lips together to silence the entranced omega. He loved this. He loved Wonwoo's voice. He loved it so much he wanted to make Wonwoo his. He wanted to thrust into him so badly. He wanted to taste every part of him, he wanted to hear Wonwoo calling for him in desperation. He wanted to be the only reason for him to cry. He wanted to make Wonwoo cry in pleasure. He wanted to make Wonwoo cry because he feel so good.

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