Chapter 7

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The heat from the noon sun finally put a frown on the his face. Mingyu pulled his head to the left, hoping to find shade but his back now felt the burn. Frowning and still half asleep, he made his way to the window, wanting to pull his curtain. Instead he bumped into something which should not have been there. His feet was also on something fluffy. Opening his eyes, he jumped a little when he realized he was in an unfamiliar room and backed his step until he reached the bed. He stayed there, holding his temple.

'You're finally up...'

Mingyu finally heard a familiar voice. 'Urhh...'

'Come, I've made you lunch.'

'Where am I?'

'Your new apartment. From you grandmother.' The man replied monotonously. 'You should eat.'

He opened his eyes to look at his butler. His family's butler. 'Got it...What's your name again?'

'Just call me Kris.'

'What time is it?' He asked, still holding his temple with his left hand. His head was throbbing. 'How long did I sleep?'

'It's a 12:30. Come, I'll explain as you eat.'

'Explain what?' The door closed, leaving him hanging. Hearing his stomach growled as if on cue, he lazily got out of bed and the room. He found the dining table at once, a counter style, and took a seat. He didn't feel so good so he was thankful that lunch was chicken soup, rice and some side dishes. 'Explain what?' He asked lazily while munching, not bothering to look at the man standing in front of him.

'You've been asleep for more than a week.'

A week?! That was physically impossible! 'Wait what? Why?'

'You had a really high fever,' the man replied calmly, 'I didn't tell your family, as requested.'

'What request?'

'And, I highly recommend you not going to the west district of the city. I will not be here to help you if anything happens again.' Kris continued sternly, not answering his question.

Mingyu stopped eating and look at the man in the eyes. He was getting annoyed. 'What request? And what happened? I need answers.'

'You told me to keep what happened that night a secret from you grandmother.'

'And what happened that night?'

'You don't remember?' Kris asked, his voice still void of any emotions.

Mingyu closed his eyes. He was getting really annoyed with this new butler. Of course he didn't remember! Would he even ask if he did?? 'I remembered hanging out at the bar after the registration. That's about it.'

'What else do you remember?'

'Why is that important?' Mingyu was trying his best not to snap. He need answers, not more questions. Why is that so hard?

He sighed and continued eating. After lunch with his family, he headed to the new university with this new guy. Then, he filled in all his necessary details for his transfer, and headed towards the city, to find some place to hang out and find some good plaything. He remembered drinking by himself, not finding some sweet omegas to bring home. He disliked their scent. Korean omegas were just not his taste. He don't hate them, he just don't find Korean scent appealing. It was just so different from was he was accustomed to. He liked the tulips and lavenders, the sweet minty smell of Netherlands' omegas, the scents that makes him wild in bed.

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