Chapter 6

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...-woo-sshi? Can you hear me? Jeon Wonwoo-sshi?


...light. Check his heartbeat.

Urghh... bright...

He's all good. Let him rest a bit.


Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrow, feeling the bright light slipping in from his lid. He had woken up before but did not had the energy to open his eyes and fell asleep again a few times. He felt a gentle but firm grip on his left hand, and another on his thigh, encouraging him to try again and he did. And he was welcomed by two blurry faces staring back at him.

He closed his eyes again. The light intrusion was really hurting his eyes, it went straight to his brain and he felt like puking.

'Wonu? You okay? You need anything?' The grip on his hand tightened and he realized that was Jun. He nodded and brought his free hand towards his mouth, hoping to suppress the urge to vomit but the sudden movement only made it worse.

'Wonu-yah, bucket.' he heard a soft voice on the other end, and turned his face at the direction before finally spilling his gut out. He felt a hand rubbing his back, assisting him until he was done. 'Clean your mouth... don't drink it...' the gentle voice continued while handing him a glass of water.

'Is he okay? Should I call the doctor.'

'No he's good. It's just the drug effect...'

'Wonu-yah...' Jun called for him, voice the softest he ever heard, 'oh Wonu...'

'Shut up you're being disgusting...' he replied weakly, trying to laugh. Trying to. He looked at his hands and noticed the bandage on his left wrist, and a cast on his right. Two tubes were coming out from his right forearm. There were other wires connected to his chest and he pulled it off, throwing it away.

He heard the door closed before a pair of hands pulled his shoulder into a warm embrace, the owner's face burying himself on his nape. 'I'm so, so sorry.' He felt the man shaking and warm tears falling on his skin.

It took him a while to remember why he was here and what the other was apologizing for.

Then he realized the pain on his lower neck, connecting to his right shoulder.

Owh yeah. He was raped. And he's now an omega. A claimed one, if that was what the bite meant. And to top it of, all of his friends knew. That he took the alleyway and got himself in trouble. That he was a mess of a failure. That he didn't deserve their protection because he couldn't even defend himself. He probably put everyone in danger. He was a failure. And he deserved what happened because he was not worth it.

He's just a pathetic claimed omega now.


'It's... it's not your fault.' He managed after a few attempt but his voice sounded really hoarse.

'I can't...'

'Jun...' he stopped the man from talking and stared at the floor. The bite on his neck was throbbing and he bit his lips to distract himself from it. From the bite that showcased his weakness for all to see.

Wonwoo stared at his hands. He let them do that to him. He did not fight for himself. He only begged. Like a pathetic human being he was.

'Wonu.... I know what you're thinking but you're wrong.. I let you go alone. I knew what they were capable of doing and I let you go.'

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