Bonus Chapter

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'You, Kim Mingyu, done with omegas? Is this the end of the world?' Mingyu rolled his eyes at his blond friend sitting across him with two other alphas. His high school friends were visiting Korea for a while and they decided to meet up for coffee to catch up. Somehow they ended up talking about that subject. Loudly, since no one would understand their conversation in a foreign language.

'What's wrong with them? They smell nice and taste good...' his other friend with jet-black hair exclaimed while kissing the tips of his fingers. He probably already had a taste at the club or something, they always do, just like the past him would if not for that night. 'Unless, you found someone...'

'Owh shit, he did. He's hooked.'

'Who that pretty omega? You have a pic?'

Mingyu smirked and drank his coffee, enjoying their anticipation. He did not plan to comment on anything though, because things were still not going as he planned and that really hurts his ego because he always gets what he wants.

'Don't tell me... rejected??' The blond guessed, making all his other friends laughed at him. 'Someone rejected the noble alpha Mingyu. That's the first! Damn Korean omegas are tough!'

He couldn't bear seeing his pride being stomp like that. He was not rejected, yet. 'First of all, I wasn't rejected and second, he's a beta so he's harder.'

All of three of them stared as if he just said he believed in spaghetti monster. Granted, he was a little bit obsessed with the omegas, just like his friends, but he also enjoyed betas once in a while. He might have been the craziest among his friends in his last days in Europe though, but that was just because he thought it could've been his last. 'You're caught by a proud beta?'

'Mingyu, what happened to you?'

'He a good fuck?'

'What's his name?' The one in the leather jacket asked, already bringing out his laptop. He typed in the said name, asking Mingyu for the spelling and Hangul, and searched for any social media.

'He privates them. It's useless.'

'You sure bout that? Let's see, John Won-'

'Jeon.' He corrected. But he doubted  they actually found him.

'He's a third year? Owh, he's pale. So, his dp's a fucking book? What is he? A nerd?'

'He's a nerd.' Mingyu answered monotonously. Even if they could find his profile, they wouldn't be able look at his pictures. Mingyu had been waiting for his friend request to be approved just to do so, and Wonwoo still haven't granted him even that.

'Let's see what we got here. He's quite manly, sharp features. Nice. Not my type though, but nice.' His friend continued, the other two joined him as well. They were probably just guessing. There was no way they could know that. And Wonwoo is not nice, he is fucking, jaw-dropping gorgeous. 'Owh... half naked pic!'

Mingyu gulped as the other two howled excitedly and remembered one important detail. His friend being a good hacker. Which meant that they might not be lying about that picture. But Wonwoo wouldn't upload a half naked pic! He would never! He was supposed to be innocent! They were bullshitting him.

'So smooth. His body looks like an omega. Damn that tiny waist.'

'Gimme that!' Mingyu had enough and took the laptop away, swallowing really hard at the said picture. He was disappointed but quite relieved that it was not the sexy picture he imagined. It was just a picture of him and his friends laughing at the camera, behind them a lake or a river of some sort. He was playing in the water judging from the water droplets on his naked upper half. Wet hair, smooth skin, tiny waist...

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