Chapter 25

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'Hey, Jun.' Wonwoo leaned against the rail where his friend was on, looking around the beach. Unwrapping one of the ice creams he just bought, he offered one to the tanned man who quickly bit it and brought it to his own hand. ''Sup.'

'You're so burnt.'

'Still handsome though.' Wonwoo laughed through his nose at that confidence. Typical Jun. 'So... about this Thursday...'


'I-uh... Jeonghan's uhm...' He didn't know how to start the conversation. He was supposed to go back home to his parents with Jun in three days but he couldn't do that anymore. Not right now. Because everyone will notice his unbroken bond and it would break their hearts; again. He didn't want that to happen again.

'Jeonghan said anything?'

Wonwoo looked back at the other, smiling weakly to show he was listening but returned to stare at the melting ice cream in his hand. Since the night he was notified about his bond, Wonwoo couldn't even get himself out of the bed. He didn't know how to get himself out of the situation alone, but he didn't want to let the people around him know because he would let them down the second time. It was stressing him so badly he had random attacks as a result. For two days, Jeonghan told the others he caught a cold when in truth, Wonwoo was busy crying. It was clear he needed help but suddenly disappearing would alert the two betas, and the mere thought of that worsened his conditions. Feeling pity for the younger, Jeonghan offered a short-term solution until they can figure out how to move forward. 'He told me about this uh, this vol-volunteer program at uh, a shelter. For people like me. And I want to join.'

'Owh. Okay, when's that? In Changwon?'

'No. It's in Seoul. For the summer.' He paused, waiting for an answer. Jun was looking ahead towards the horizon, his face unreadable which made Wonwoo nervous. 'The whole summer, so I won't be back this time...'

There was a disturbing silent as Jun sat, biting his ice cream cone and chewing it slowly. He was thinking hard, 'Do they need more people? I can volunteer too...'

'No... it's for omegas only.' Which was a lie. Yes, he was volunteering at an omega house and the only ones not allowed are alphas but, he didn't want Jun there. He knew his friend wanted to show his support but he needed his time alone to calm down and think.

'Really? Alright then...' Jun wrapped one of his hand around Wonwoo's neck and pulled him in for a headlock. Shocked, Wonwoo almost dropped his own ice cream on the ground. Thankfully his reflex was good and he caught the cone by his fist, crushing it in his hands.


'That's for getting sick during the break, you pale monkey! No ice cream for you!'

'DIE!!!' Wonwoo threw what was in his grip towards the darker male and jumped on the rail to the other side, ready to tackle and beat the man to his death.


Looking around the gated and fully secured building, Wonwoo bowed at who seemed to be the head of the facility. The man with grey hair, probably in his late sixties bowed back to them and proceeded to hug the older omega, a look of familiarity evident on his face. Jeonghan responded with a tighter hug which caused the elder to cough a little as they both released each other with laughter. Wonwoo showed the old man an awkward smile when he was finally acknowledge, unsure of how to react.'You must be Jeon.'

'Yes. Jeon Wonwoo. I uh...' He didn't prepare any self-introduction. He thought they were going straight to doing volunteer jobs.

'Your first time volunteering?' he nodded. 'Thank you. So wha-?'

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