Chapter 16

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Mingyu jogged around here for the second round today, hoping to see Wonwoo again outside the library. Although that place was the only place they could be together without his friends, they couldn't really have a real conversation so there was not really any progress in their 'relationship'. And thanks to a certain young alpha, he knew that Wonwoo would hang out around the park with their friends, sometimes for work-out sessions, sometimes for other stuffs, at certain times of the day. Not everyday though, so he would only stumble upon the man if he was lucky enough.

And today, he was. 'Wonwoo!'

'Hey, Mingyu! What's up?' He heard another familiar voice and looked around to see the pack's main alpha coming back from wherever he was. He sat down at the table where Wonwoo was laying with his eyes closed and invited Mingyu over. Sighing almost inaudibly, Mingyu complied. He could never say no to Seungcheol, afraid that angering him might cause him Wonwoo.

In fact, he couldn't act freely around all of Wonwoo's friends. And unlucky for him, they would always be there with Wonwoo, be it around him, or further, but with the male still in their point of view. To make things worse, they would never leave Wonwoo alone with him for too long, joining the conversation when it was getting good.

He didn't really mind Minghao since the guy would sometimes even help ease the situation by teasing them both but Jun and Seungcheol was a completely different story. Jun would try to snatch Wonwoo away and silently threatening him with his sharp gaze whenever Wonwoo was distracted enough to notice while the main alpha was just, making him nervous. He would constantly be on guard, working extra hard so that his cover as a beta wouldn't be blown and would try not to be as obvious in his pursuit. The alpha, unlike Jun, was more interested in conversing with him instead of letting him talk to the other, adding to his anxiety. Finally, there was Hansol, who although would not try to do anything to jeopardize his effort, was too unstable and distractive for him to trust not telling anyone about their little 'pact'. To him, Hansol was the most dangerous one.

'What's wrong with him?' Mingyu asked as he took a seat beside the older alpha. He was referring to Wonwoo's pale complex, more than normal, and his frowning face.

'His tummy's been bothering him.' Seungcheol replied casually, offering him a drink he probably bought for the sleeping man.

'Is he okay?' Mingyu was getting concerned.

'Probably just gastric. He had it frequently during his first year from stress.'

'Is he stressed now?'

'Maybe. A lot've been happening...' Mingyu noticed the other's sad stare, wondering why. Hansol didn't say anything about it, but he can never fully trust the man regarding the latest situation. But he did notice the same sad expression the younger alpha bore when he first started to talk about Wonwoo, as if something bad happened. Come to think of it, even the two Chinese had the same look whenever they see Wonwoo sleeping calmly, though both of them were quick to change them.

'Did he go to the doctor?'

'Yahh. You're acting like his mom.' Seungcheol tapped him and laughed a bit, eating his snacks and slurping his drink. 'He's old enough to make that decision. We did ask him to go.'

'Did he?'

'He did. Calm down. You medic students.' He laughed and changed his seating position to face Mingyu. 'By the way, how's Dokyeom doing? Did you meet him lately?'

'He's busy with clinical rotations...' he answered casually, wanting to get away. Wonwoo was sleeping and he could never have any special time with him anyway whenever Seungcheol was present, so he really just wanted to go back to his room and do something else. But who was he kidding? Nobody escapes Seungcheol. Except for Seokmin.

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