Chapter 4 [M]

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Trigger warning

'Hello beautiful...'

Wonwoo's hair was pulled back harshly, his head faced upwards exposing his pale neck. Still in shock, he felt the man inhaling, moving his head from his chin until the crook of his neck before licking the said part. Wonwoo pulled one hand up to act as a wall between him and the alpha but the man locked it with his other hand.

'Sto-mpphh!!!' The man clashed their lips together, sucking and licking Wonwoo's cut lips wanting excess. Wonwoo tried turning his head to escape from the rough attack but his head was held in place by his hair. He closed his eyes again, not wanting to look at what was done to him. The man kept trying to open his mouth, releasing the lock on Wonwoo's hand to force the omega's mouth open. Grabbing the chance, Wonwoo pushed the man's face roughly away from him, already feeling the disgusting burn on his lips left by the man. Consequently, the pull on his hair became stronger, pulling him sideways until he was on the floor.

Wonwoo dared not to look up, eyes wandering quickly in between the other alphas, finding any opening. He saw the space beside an emergency staircase left unattended and got up in a rush, trying to reach it before someone else. Only a few steps later, a female alpha grabbed his jacket, pulling him back. In moments, he took off the jacket and pushed it on her face, temporarily blinding her before making a run.

'Arghhh!!!' He fell down on his chest, hitting his chin when someone pulled his right leg back. He heard the noise around him getting louder, as if they were cheering for his demise. Wonwoo tried pulling his leg back, wanting to free himself from the tight grip on his ankle but the alpha refused to let go. Instead, he was pulled back, closer towards the center of the circle, and his legs was spread open. He felt a weight in between his thighs and tried to turn around, wanting to distance his bottom away from the alpha, even just a little. It was useless, he knew it, but he still tried.

In fact, he knew he could not escape from here unscathed. But he still tried.

He felt a hand pushed his head down the cold pavement, and another tried to work on his belt. And Wonwoo worked his trying to stop the one threatening to expose him. Unfortunately all he managed to do was annoy the alpha who banged his head on the pavement a few times until Wonwoo felt his ears buzzing and his brain vibrating, mouth wanting to vomit.

Just as the alpha succeeded in unbuckling the jeans and pulling it down, exposing the almost unconscious omega's underwear, he was pulled back harshly by another alpha who wanted to claim Wonwoo first.

Wonwoo's drifting mind got back to reality when he heard another wave of howls and he realized the two alphas, the first man who kissed him, and the one who pulled him a few minutes ago, were fighting each other, punching themselves to a pulp while the others watched, some eyeing Wonwoo instead, pacing back and forth in circles.

Just as Wonwoo was finally strong enough to lift himself from the floor, another alpha got on top of him, bringing his wrists to each side of his face and banging them violently on the pavement a few times until a scream escaped his mouth. When the man finally let go of the bruised wrists, Wonwoo brought them towards his chest, whimpering in pain. But before he could, his shirt was torn in two, exposing his skin to the cold night air.

'STOP!!! NO!!' He screamed, as he felt the man harshly sucked on his shoulder blades and chest before biting on his left nipple angrily. He wanted to push the head away but he could no longer feel his own hands. 'ARGHHH!!!'

BAMM!! He heard a thud and saw one of the alphas who were fighting earlier with a metal pipe in his hand. The man pulled the limp alpha on top of him, and threw him away from Wonwoo, leaving him now completely naked except for his underwear, on the floor in the middle of the circle of alphas.

Wonwoo just laid there, eyes locking at the unmoving figure beside him. Frozen. Too scared to move.

The man might be dead.

And he might be too.

It was useless. He have nowhere to go. Every time he tried to run away, someone from the circle will either pull him back inside, or try to devour him themselves.

And if he kept on fighting any longer, he might die. Just like the alpha who was now bleeding on the floor next to him.

Wonwoo felt warm tears flowing down his cheeks. Every one was just watching, as if it was normal for someone to bleed to death. Nobody cared about anything other than violating him.

Everyone was so cold. Everything was cold. The air, the pavement floor, those grins.


'S-someb-body... someb-body... please... p-please help...' he whimpered while shaking. He was too scared to move. He only managed to curl himself into a ball in a pathetic attempt to cover a bit of himself.'P-please help m-ARGHHHH!!!'

The alpha already threw away the metal pipe and was pulling his thighs apart. Wonwoo tried to fight him, closing his legs but it was no use. And once his attacker succeeded in doing so, the alpha placed himself in between Wonwoo's legs and pulled the boxer up till the knees.

'Don't... no...' Wonwoo tried begging. His hands were trying to reach his boxers to pull them back up but he was shaking violently he couldn't even reach pass his knees. Without warning, he felt a sharp pain in his rectum, spreading throughout his body, straight to his brain. 'AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!'

The man forced his manhood completely inside Wonwoo's virgin hole without any preparation. Once he settled himself inside the tight and warm hole, his mind went blank and his whole body overcame with frenzy. He quickly pulled it out and thrusted in again, wanting to feel the really tight squeeze at his base. The sound of the omega screaming beneath him was like music to his ears, and the tightly clenched wall around his erection was begging him to breed harder. And the alpha complied, pulling and pushing, making sure he balls hit the omega's cheeks everytime.

Wonwoo tried moving his hips aggressively beneath the man, desperately trying to position his entrance away from the oncoming force in an attempt to lessen the pain. He knew it was futile but the pain was so unbearable he felt as if his inside were shredded into pieces every time the man entered him. 'STOOPPP!!! STOPPP PLEASE NO!!! AAAAAAGHHH!!!

He felt it, blood oozing out of him, and he was terrified. That all his insides might fall out of him from the harsh treatment he was receiving. And he tried to close himself every time the man pulled out to prevent more bleeding, but it only made it worse when he shoved it in again.

Wonwoo's hands were scratching the pavements, trying to grip whatever there was to grip and hold onto. Finally he decided to turn his body sideways so he can clamp his hands together, maybe digging his nails into his skin to distract himself from the pain.

It was useless. The man held both his hands by his side and started licking and biting all over his chest, all the while violating Wonwoo's bottom. And Wonwoo was so desperate to get away. Anywhere was good. He did not want to be there feeling the other moving inside him.

His eyes wandered around. He might find something interesting enough to escape reality. Or maybe find someone who might help him. Maybe if he stared at someone long enough, they might feel guilty and help him instead.

But he was wrong.

Nobody wanted to help.

Everybody was touching themselves, some had their own member out, masturbating while watching him being violated.

Wonwoo closed his eyes. His tears were falling non-stop. He felt disgusting. Him being raped in front of these alphas who enjoyed watching.

He shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to open it anymore.

He didn't know when it started, but it did. His mind drifted far away from this place, detaching itself from his body.

And he no longer felt it, the pain.

To be continued...

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