Chapter 33

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The movement of the couch touching his back, along with the slight screeching sound between furniture and the floor shocked the alpha from his slumber. The sudden realization that his mate was still asleep in his arms, and the fact that somebody was on the couch, watching them stiffened him who was currently wishing for death.


There was no sound other than some munching which bothered him. Mingyu still couldn't let go of Wonwoo, wanting to pretend to still be asleep, at least, until the person behind them was gone but that person was eating so that would be a few more minute to an hour, depending on what their intention was. 'I thought appa told you to not touch Wonu-hyung.'

Fuck. This guy knew he was awake. And who was he anyway? Hyung? So that means Wonwoo's brother?

Turning around slowly, he almost flinched when he saw the disinterested poker face which looked a lot like the guy sleeping beside him, only a bit wider with a slight difference in some places. The man was still chomping on his cereal as he stared at Mingyu, not even care that he was basically disturbing the private time of the couple. 'Who are you?'

'I'm his brother. Duh.'

'Owh.' Mingyu didn't know what more to say. Until yesterday night, there was only Seulgi. When the hell did this guy came here? And what the hell was his name?

'Bohyuk.' He answered and Mingyu nodded awkwardly, a bit creeped out that the man read his mind. Not to mention, he was still sitting on the sofa, not caring about them, and continued to eat his breakfast. 'By the way, appa and eomma just went out for their morning stroll.'

Mingyu's eyes widened.

'You're so dead.' Bohyuk stated, smirking.


'I didn't know there's so many people here in the morning.' Wonwoo finally stopped being bitter about being dragged out of the house so early in the morning with the excuse of exercising in the middle of winter, followed by breakfast when they could eat at home. After being forced to recommend a good place which served morning set, he could finally relax as they found a restaurant which is apparently famous for their really good breakfast, a few miles from home. Lucky.

Mingyu only nodded as he hungrily took a bit out of his American style breakfast, almost spitting out some to his mate if not for that sharp eyes warning him not to open his mouth while eating. Swallowing whole and drinking his coffee, he uttered, 'Aren't you glad I forced you out?'

Well, he only did it because he was afraid of what the parents might do to him once they were back, so he hoped that doing this might give them some time to cool off, and really, really wish that Bohyuk or Seulgi might do something wrong to distract them from what happened this morning. And he was betting for it to happen real soon, before they had to go back home.

Staring at Wonwoo biting on his eggs really elegantly with his mouth closed, his slim fingers gracefully cutting through, again Mingyu had to hold back his tongue to not comment on how pretty the omega looked while eating. Because, eventhough it was sunny-side, eggs.

'I'll go pay first.' Mingyu got up, earning a nod from his partner. Heading towards the cashier, he almost cursed at the line, mostly because of the scents of the omegas queuing before him. He still didn't like them. He realized Wonwoo was an exception, which he initially thought was because the man was his mate. It came as a quite a shock to him the moment he noticed he didn't actually mind the omega's family as well. So now, he concluded that what happened to him all this while was actually the bond changing him. By causing this kind of reaction towards other omegas except family. Granted, he was never fond of Asian omegas to begin with, but that was another story. He bet he would now feel as disgusted with the European omegas too. He was sure of it.

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