Chapter 31

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If he could say anything about this situation right now, it would be déjà vu. Like before, just a few weeks after he first made up with Wonwoo, Seungcheol called him out for coffee. That meeting didn't end so well. So now, only a few days after Wonwoo agreed to give them a shot, he could only assume the same thing would happen. They would end up arguing, and this time, it might not end up with a mere silent duel.

This time Mingyu was prepared to fight. Because this time, Wonwoo said he would try. And if anyone tried to get in between them, he wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of them. Because they have no right.

Unless, of course, that someone happened to be his omega's parents, in which case, he would beg for mercy.

Even with all those crazy thoughts running through his head, Mingyu still find it hard to leave the comfort of his car into the cafe. So, like before, he walked around in circles, contemplating whether he should just leave. These things need strategizing, and his initial plan was to start with the two mellowest members of the pack - Hansol and Minghao, not the big boss. He didn't even tell Wonwoo about this, not wanting to worry the man, but now he wished he did. At least, someone would keep them both in check if one of them starts to threaten the other.

'Fuck it.' Mingyu pushed through the entrance straight to the counter. This time, the cafe was not as packed so he could spot the older alpha at once. Seungcheol was flipping the menu, looking relaxed with his small smile and his fallen shoulder. It was as if his defence was all down. Which was a surprise. Mingyu didn't know how he should approach the man. He thought aggressively, but now that wouldn't be appropriate.

Walking forward anyway, Seungcheol called to him cheerfully which further confused him. He knew the man hate him for what he did, they all do, so him being kind like this was a shock. It frightened him a bit if he was being honest. It was like the calm before a storm. And he didn't want to experience the storm. Not a few days into his new start. His and Wonwoo's relationship was still too brittle to pressure. They might break.

As manners required, they each ordered their coffees and remained friendly until the first sip. And by friendly, they stayed silent. Their last meeting wasn't pleasant so both couldn't even try to start small talks. And this, was the longest 5 minutes Mingyu had ever experienced in his life.

'I heard what happened.' Finally, Mingyu thought. Truth be told, he wanted this to end as quickly as possible. But since he wasn't the one inviting, he had been wondering when Seungcheol would finally get to the point.

'Yeah we're together. It's none of your business. ' Shit. He didn't mean to sound offended. He just wanted to put it out there.

'I mean, that night. What you did to Wonu.'

'Owh. Yeah. And Wonwoo decided to be with me. So lemme just tell you, mind your own.' He decided to go with the threatening tone anyway because right now, he really didn't care. Wonwoo already made up his mind. And the fact that Seungcheol came to talk to him alone only suggest that the man couldn't put his stupid idea into Wonwoo's head so he chose to confront him instead.

So really. He shouldn't and wouldn't care.

'I heard you didn't do anything to him when he was in heat.'

Mingyu almost laughed. Wonwoo told them that much? He knew they were close but he didn't expect Wonwoo to tell them about his heat because, privacy. Of course, what he told them was a lie anyway so it didn't count. They both did something during his heat. MORE than something. 'Wonu told you that?'

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