Chapter 15

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'Now Wonwoo-sshi. Would you have given up on architecture if that night never happened?'

Wonwoo was taken aback by the sudden question. Even if the night never happened, he would still be an omega. He would still unable to be an architect no matter how hard he tried. It wouldn't have changed anything.

'If you were the old Jeon Wonwoo, who was, as I recalled, the architectural protege who had won many awards even from middle school, would you have given up on your major if you had only turned into an omega?'

'I...' He looked at the therapist's face. She was expressionless, waiting patiently for his answer. He stirred on his seat, this was making him uncomfortable. He didn't know what she expect to hear from him. 'I think so...'

There was a long pause to which he assumed she waited for him to continue. Without answer, she inquired, 'You think? Are you confident that you would have?'

Wonwoo closed his eyes and tried to relax. Would he really have given up? He remembered being afraid of meeting his alpha classmates and professors after that incident but that surely was not the reason why he gave up. He gave up because omegas were not allowed to be architects. Yes, that was the reason.

'Are you sure about that?' She continued, still with a straight tone. She had been asking him the same questions over and over again and as he continued to answer each one, Wonwoo found himself doubting everything he ever thought he knew.

He... No. Beta Wonwoo would have been frustrated to be asked to let go of his dreams without any solid reason. He might have put up a big fight, just like the time in high school when he was asked not to submit his work to a competition so his other peers would have a chance at winning. In fact, he might even rebel against the ridiculous rule and said fuck you while completing the course with flying colours just to prove everyone wrong and mess with them, just like he did back then.

'I... I don't know.'

'I think you do know the answer. Now I need you to tell me.'

Wonwoo swallowed and looked away. Things were different now. He was no longer a beta. But he would still have fought for what he wanted, maybe. 'I would've stayed. I think.'

'You would have stayed and complete your course.'

'Yes.' He heard a slight change in her tone and turned to watch her scribble something on her notes. Her face was relaxed as she finally put down her pen.

Wonwoo sat up and placed his hand on his knees, ready to hear today's conclusion. He knew it was going to be hard to digest, he could feel it. And he was right. His therapist explained about something he never thought was possible - aside from his confidence shattered to pieces, which was obvious, he apparently was also experiencing the direct effect of the bonding.

As it happened, bonded omegas and alphas experience change physically, emotionally and mentally. And he was showing submissive behaviour, which should have been towards his mate. And in the absence of such mate, he had placed that submission towards something else. In his case, he felt the need to submit to society rulings. Which was actually non-existent. That was only the excuse he created to signify his choice of changing course. Which was the result of his fear to face other alphas in his class.

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