Chapter 3

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It was finally Tuesday evening and Hansol excitedly ran back towards the dorm, heading straight to the third floor and pushed the door forcedfully, surprising the owner of the room. 'I'M FREE!!!!'

'I guess you did well then?' Jun laughed at the whole situation. Staring back and forth between the younger man and his best friend, who had still had his shocked face. Hansol jumped on the bed in glee, earning him a distasteful stare from Wonwoo. He then proceeded to hug his tutor. 'I think I might pass every subject this term!'

'Yaah! Calm down! I can't breath' Hansol grinned at the stiffened man and let go. 'You better make that bed or I won't let you sleep here again.'

'Fine! Later!' He ran out, leaving Wonwoo to stare at the mess of a bed and sighed. Jun already started to pick up the shirts Wonwoo laid out on the mattress a few minutes earlier and laughed again. 'Cheer up! Look at how excited he was! He even came straight here from his exams.'

'He better relax and lose that energy first before coming here again.' He took the shirt from Jun and folded it, putting it into his backpack. 'I need to recheck my stuff.' He looked on the floor for the things he prepared earlier for his short hiking trip with Jun and their hiking club, before returning to their hometown, Changwon in four days. 'Everything's here.'

'Your presents and souvenirs?'

'There.' Wonwoo pointed at the paper bag under his study desk. 'You?'

'Everything's already in the car. You wanna put yours in?'

'Just these ones. There's some food inside that bag.'

Alright. I'll go put these in first. So, around 7 right?' Jun pulled Wonwoo's duffle bag around his shoulder along with his handbag which contained a few holiday assignments. Wonwoo held the door open and pat Jun's back in gratitude. 'Lemme confirm that. But I think it's earlier.'

'Got it.'


After walking for almost an hour, the pack of five finally arrived at their destination, Kingsmen. Seungcheol entered first, giving a nod to his cousin who was mending the bar. He took the keys and signalled towards the others who were busy looking at a pool game nearby. Although it was still Tuesday night, there were surprisingly more people than he thought. They usually only come here Friday nights or during the weekend so they were actually expecting only a few people.

'Are there usually this many people?' He asked his cousin lightly, earning him a smile.

'Well people around here don't really care what day of the week it is.' Seungcheol nodded and flashed a smile, showing his dimple. Of course. Most of the alphas and betas around here don't have any working hours. Some don't even work and Seungcheol wondered how they can afford going to places like this to even hang out.

Hurrying towards their room which was usually reserved for VIPs, he switched on the light while the other three found their seat on the sofa. Wonwoo was standing in front of the old jukebox, inserting a coin and choosing some funky music.

'Hip hop! Yeaahhhh!!!' Wonwoo walked towards the sofa while dancing and both the alphas started to rap with the old school song. Just like that, they started the beginning of their summer holidays. Each of them ordered something to drink, they did a simple darts competition with shots, and jammed hard enough (mostly just Jun and Minghao) until everyone was drained. There were only five of them so it was not the party-till-you-die kind of vibe. They were satisfied enough to just be in each other's presence before the long break.

'Hey, anything to drink?' Seungcheol asked and everyone gave him theirs. Minghao got up, 'I'll help.'

Once both of them stepped out of the room, Seungcheol felt a little bit of shiver. He noticed someone, another alpha maybe judging from the pheromone he was emitting, looking at his junior and walked closer to them. He paid no attention since he was confident nothing would happen until he heard Minghao's shocked voice. The alpha had his face near his junior, trying to take a sniff, and Seungcheol growled back as a warning. The man gave him a smirk and backed away. He turned to his junior, 'You get back inside.'

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